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Charizard-EX / Pyroar / Keldeo-EX - Radiance Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Setup a fast charizard or if not setup a pyroar instead. Keldeo to tank early game. Druddigon_Catcher for that revenge kills for Garbodor or Aromatisse. Pyroar to finish the game.

  • Start with a pokemon that can hit soft to hard early while setting up your back-ups
  • Pyroar as a disruption for possible counters
  • Charizard + Lysandre for hard hitting mid to late game tactic
  • Keldeo-EX for status clearing

Pokemon: 12

  • 3 Charizard-EX
    3 Litleo
    3 Pyroar
    2 Keldeo-EX
    1 Druddigon
Trainers: 36

  • 3 Professor Sycamore
    4 Blacksmith
    2 Lysandre
    1 Skyla
    3 N
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Pokemon Catcher
    3 Roller Skates
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Pal Pad
    2 Bicycle
    1 Startling Megaphone
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Float Stone
    1 Computer Search
Energy: 12

  • 8 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless
I was able to grab 2nd place in our weekly league with this. I had to replace Jirachi-EX with a Druddigon as starting with Jirachi would result in an auto-loss.

Match-up tests:
TDK - Auto-loss due to Jirachi being my only active
Yveltal/Garbodor - Fast pyroar and ram their basics fast. Catcher Garbodor = GG. It relies on who gets to setup fast.
Yveltal/Darkrai/Hydreigon - As I realized they were playing Hydreigon + Max Potions. I immediately prepared all my lysandre and catchers to KO 3 Deinos. After that also used Keldeo-EX my anti poison. Won the game withhim not being to do anything on my pyroars.