Setup a fast charizard or if not setup a pyroar instead. Keldeo to tank early game. Druddigon_Catcher for that revenge kills for Garbodor or Aromatisse. Pyroar to finish the game.
Pokemon: 12
- Start with a pokemon that can hit soft to hard early while setting up your back-ups
- Pyroar as a disruption for possible counters
- Charizard + Lysandre for hard hitting mid to late game tactic
- Keldeo-EX for status clearing
Pokemon: 12
3 Charizard-EX
3 Litleo
3 Pyroar
2 Keldeo-EX
1 Druddigon
3 Professor Sycamore
4 Blacksmith
2 Lysandre
1 Skyla
3 N
2 Professor's Letter
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
1 Pokemon Catcher
3 Roller Skates
4 Ultra Ball
1 Pal Pad
2 Bicycle
1 Startling Megaphone
3 Muscle Band
2 Float Stone
1 Computer Search
8 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless