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Charizard EX / Pyroar / Mewtwo EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 12

  • 3 Charizard EX (combustion blast)
    2 Litleo
    2 Pyroar
    2 Mewtwo EX
    1 Druddigon
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Magnezone EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    2 N
    1 Colress
    4 Blacksmith
    2 Lysandre
    4 Fiery Torch
    1 Pal Pad
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Level Ball
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Switch
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Super Rod
    1 Downswing Machine
    2 Tropical Beach
Energy: 12

  • 8 Fire
    4 Double Colorless

basic charizard strategy get 4 energy on charizard with a muscle band to hit for 170 or 180 with laser. Some other card choices are mewtwo. Mewtwo with a dce and a band can ko a garbodor with help from Lysandre. And magnezone with a dce and a band hits a yvetal ex for 120 and if they have virbank in play 150. So it puts your opponent in a awkward place were if they attack they get ko'ed from poison or they have to retreat. I play tropical beach instead of virbank because you are already hitting 170 with a muscle band and it can help you sent up faster.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Nice list.

Have you actually play-tested this list a lot against other top decks? I ask because I've found running 4 Blacksmiths with "normal" card-draw support (or in your case Tropical Beach - probably mostly used early game?) just too "clunky" early game. It seems that if you play the Blacksmiths early in order to get energy in play, then you'll draw cards via Tropical Beach - correct assumption? Why no Skyla to help get your Tropical Beaches out?

Assuming your Topical Beaches are eventually replaced mid-game (?), are you finding that the remaining 7 card-draw Supporters are sufficient to sustain your deck well through the remainder of the game?

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
yes i have tested this deck against most popular decks (that i know of such as yvetal garbodor, virizon, flygon and plasma,) i dont feel it as it is clunky the only reason i play 4 black smith is to more than likely guarantee the turn two combustion blast. Also you are right about the assumption of the blacksmith tropical beach combo because i feel like that would be a turn strong one.

Now i don't play any skyla because i feel like that might hurt my chances of getting that turn one combustion blast. I do see the pros of playing 1 or 2 though. any suggestions on what i should take out?

Thanks for the feedback!
zapper1998 said:
yes i have tested this deck against most popular decks (that i know of such as yvetal garbodor, virizon, flygon and plasma,) i dont feel it as it is clunky the only reason i play 4 black smith is to more than likely guarantee the turn two combustion blast.
Great. That's what I suspected - just made sense that playing a TB would provide you an opportunity for a T1 Combustion Blast.

zapper1998 said:
Now i don't play any skyla because i feel like that might hurt my chances of getting that turn one combustion blast. I do see the pros of playing 1 or 2 though. any suggestions on what i should take out?
At this point, I would consider your list to be "tight" in that your deck has no "hard shortcomings" IMHO (props to you). So, now you might be at a point where your playing style, strategy, etc. influence the final 1-2 card choices. Personally, if I'd run your list (and I may just revise my deck to test your variation), I would replace 1-2 of the following card(s) (listed in priority sequence) for Skyla(s):

  • Jirachi EX. Not a good starter at all should chance not be on your side. After you use it (and you may need to early game given the "few" card-draw Supporters you have), it becomes a HUGE 2 prize, bench warming target. Lastly, if your opponent can get Garbotoxin in effect and you can't counter it, you receive none of its Ability benefit when you might need it.
    Mewtwo EX. I wanted to provide a second option too and this choice resulted from evaluating other options/priorities and this selection seemed to have the least priority given the other possible choices.
Btw, I also run 1 Outrage'ing Reshiram and Zekrom in my Charizard deck as possible starters and alternate attackers. I dislike exposing my EX Poké to early game damage before I have some things setup. Besides, it's just too much fun to see the expression on a player's face starting his/her Virizion EX against my Reshiram. :D
Ok awesome for the thoughts and ideas...also what do you think of magnezone good/ or bad? I find it more of a situational card since it doesn't really ko anything since you only hit yvetal for 150 insread of 170
If your referring to the Dual Brains Magnezone, I did think about that Poke quite a bit when it was first released. I thought of potentially using it in some type of Item lock deck. But, I never did build a deck around it.

Today, it "seemed" that it would work well with Charizard in that you could play a card-draw Suppoter and a Blacksmith in the same turn (thanks to Dual Brains)... But, I just could not get all the pieces to work well together. Secondly, I resolved the Blacksmith-other Supporter "clash" through either Bicycle or Delphox; so, I don't think my Charizard deck would gain any additional benefit by incorporating a Magnezone (Dual Brains) at all.

Yep. This Magnezone would need a Muscle Band attached in order to 1HKO an Yveltal EX or use a Ht Laser plus the 160 damage output from the Gyro Ball attack.
TuxedoBlack said:
If your referring to the Dual Brains Magnezone, I did think about that Poke quite a bit when it was first released. I thought of potentially using it in some type of Item lock deck. But, I never did build a deck around it.

Today, it "seemed" that it would work well with Charizard in that you could play a card-draw Suppoter and a Blacksmith in the same turn (thanks to Dual Brains)... But, I just could not get all the pieces to work well together. Secondly, I resolved the Blacksmith-other Supporter "clash" through either Bicycle or Delphox; so, I don't think my Charizard deck would gain any additional benefit by incorporating a Magnezone (Dual Brains) at all.

Yep. This Magnezone would need a Muscle Band attached in order to 1HKO an Yveltal EX or use a Ht Laser plus the 160 damage output from the Gyro Ball attack.

oh i meant the newest magnezone the ex one that hits for 40 with a dce in Flash Fire. Not the gyro ball one but i did consider that option as well.