Pokemon: 12
basic charizard strategy get 4 energy on charizard with a muscle band to hit for 170 or 180 with laser. Some other card choices are mewtwo. Mewtwo with a dce and a band can ko a garbodor with help from Lysandre. And magnezone with a dce and a band hits a yvetal ex for 120 and if they have virbank in play 150. So it puts your opponent in a awkward place were if they attack they get ko'ed from poison or they have to retreat. I play tropical beach instead of virbank because you are already hitting 170 with a muscle band and it can help you sent up faster.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
3 Charizard EX (combustion blast)
2 Litleo
2 Pyroar
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Druddigon
1 Jirachi EX
1 Magnezone EX
4 Professor Juniper
2 N
1 Colress
4 Blacksmith
2 Lysandre
4 Fiery Torch
1 Pal Pad
3 Ultra Ball
1 Level Ball
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Muscle Band
2 Switch
1 Professor's Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Super Rod
1 Downswing Machine
2 Tropical Beach
8 Fire
4 Double Colorless
basic charizard strategy get 4 energy on charizard with a muscle band to hit for 170 or 180 with laser. Some other card choices are mewtwo. Mewtwo with a dce and a band can ko a garbodor with help from Lysandre. And magnezone with a dce and a band hits a yvetal ex for 120 and if they have virbank in play 150. So it puts your opponent in a awkward place were if they attack they get ko'ed from poison or they have to retreat. I play tropical beach instead of virbank because you are already hitting 170 with a muscle band and it can help you sent up faster.
Edited to coincide with the rules!