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Charizard EX / Pyroar

Mint Milkshake

Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Charizard EX(Combustion Flame)
    1x M Charizard EX
    2-2x Pyroar
    1-0-1x Delphox
    1x Entei EX
    1x Keldeo EX

  • 4x Fiery Torch
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x Professor Letter
    2x Rare Candy
    2x Muscle Band
    2x Float Stone
    2x Startling Megaphone
    1x Super Rod
    1x Protection Cube
    1x Switch
    1x Computer Search

    3x Blacksmith
    2x Sycamore
    2x N
    2x Lysandre
    2x Shauna
    1x Colress
    1x Pokemon Fan Club
    1x Skyla

  • 9x Fire Energy
    4x DCE

The objective is to use Fiery Torch to discard energies and use blacksmith to power Charizard as soon as possible. Pyroar is your main attacker against big basics deck(Plasma decks can't touch you). Mega Charizrd is a bit situational, play it when you have a turn to spare. Delphox has a nice ability and you can attack with him if you ever need it. I use Entei EX cause I have one and I always wanted to use it on a deck and he's not so bad.
Lysandre and Startling megaphone are there for garbadors.
I have yet to face a Keldeo/Blastoise deck, but I'm thinking it will give me a hard time. So, if you have any suggestions to counter that deck/changes to make, I'm here to listen. Thanks.
"I have yet to face a Keldeo/Blastoise deck, but I'm thinking it will give me a hard time. So, if you have any suggestions to counter that deck/changes to make, I'm here to listen. Thanks."

I also encountered this problem! unfortunately, there aren't a lot of options out there. However, blastoise usually attacks with black kyurem so the Druddigon (flashfire) card can knock it out for 2 colorless. As for Keldeo, theres a syther card that can do 60 for 3 colorless. So with a silver bangle that could knock keldeo EX out in one hit. But not the easiest thing to tech in. That's about all I got, if you find any better ways to deal with them please let me know!
You could tech in leafeon. If your oppenent has three energy on the feild that you can take ou keldeo with a silverbangle and a single colorless energy. If you did that you could also put in flareons
Ironman131 said:
You could tech in leafeon. If your oppenent has three energy on the feild that you can take ou keldeo with a silverbangle and a single colorless energy. If you did that you could also put in flareons

I was thinking in teching a leafeon line somewhere, but what should I take out?
See i dont know what you should take out, your deck list is pretty tight as it is. You could probably get rid of the mega chairzard and protect cube. but im guessing you will wont at least one in the deck just in case. You could possibly take out the skyla and pokemon fan club. Im worried you wont have enough draw power to get the resources you need.
Mint Milkshake said:
Pyroar is your main attacker against big basics deck(Plasma decks can't touch you).
Not true... Plasma deck players have already made (or can easily make) adjustments to incorporate some stage 1 Poké options to 1HKO Pyroars. :)

I'm also building a Charizard deck, but without the Mega evolution (Crimson Dive). Losing an attack opportunity, plus adding a Protection Tube (which really won't protect you from a 1HKO) just didn't seem worth it to me. So, I'd suggest replacing both of these cards for:

+1 Fennekin
+1 Delphox (to enhance your chances of getting at least 1 line setup)
- - - - or - - - -
+1 Keldeo EX (in case 1 is prized)
+1 Ultra Ball (to enhance your options to get more R energy discarded)
TuxedoBlack said:
Mint Milkshake said:
Pyroar is your main attacker against big basics deck(Plasma decks can't touch you).
Not true... Plasma deck players have already made (or can easily make) adjustments to incorporate some stage 1 Poké options to 1HKO Pyroars. :)

I'm also building a Charizard deck, but without the Mega evolution (Crimson Dive). Losing an attack opportunity, plus adding a Protection Tube (which really won't protect you from a 1HKO) just didn't seem worth it to me. So, I'd suggest replacing both of these cards for:

+1 Fennekin
+1 Delphox (to enhance your chances of getting at least 1 line setup)
- - - - or - - - -
+1 Keldeo EX (in case 1 is prized)
+1 Ultra Ball (to enhance your options to get more R energy discarded)

As someone who runs a plasma eevee deck I have absolutely no worries about pyroar since I have Glaceon in the deck, and it's hard for Pyroar to avoid getting away from that considering everything in my deck gets a free retreat cost cause of her.

All this fire hype tempts me to make a deck, but unfortunately I still see water deck finding ways across Pyroar and that's kind of saddening. It feels with each passing set, Blastoise/Keldeo keeps getting stronger.


As for the deck, how is the draw engine working for you? I see a lot of spread there and it's interesting to see so many cards that shuffle back into the deck, but I'm interested in knowing how 2 N and 2 Shauna, for example, works out for ya?
TokenDuelist said:
TuxedoBlack said:
Not true... Plasma deck players have already made (or can easily make) adjustments to incorporate some stage 1 Poké options to 1HKO Pyroars. :)

I'm also building a Charizard deck, but without the Mega evolution (Crimson Dive). Losing an attack opportunity, plus adding a Protection Tube (which really won't protect you from a 1HKO) just didn't seem worth it to me. So, I'd suggest replacing both of these cards for:

+1 Fennekin
+1 Delphox (to enhance your chances of getting at least 1 line setup)
- - - - or - - - -
+1 Keldeo EX (in case 1 is prized)
+1 Ultra Ball (to enhance your options to get more R energy discarded)

As someone who runs a plasma eevee deck I have absolutely no worries about pyroar since I have Glaceon in the deck, and it's hard for Pyroar to avoid getting away from that considering everything in my deck gets a free retreat cost cause of her.

All this fire hype tempts me to make a deck, but unfortunately I still see water deck finding ways across Pyroar and that's kind of saddening. It feels with each passing set, Blastoise/Keldeo keeps getting stronger.


As for the deck, how is the draw engine working for you? I see a lot of spread there and it's interesting to see so many cards that shuffle back into the deck, but I'm interested in knowing how 2 N and 2 Shauna, for example, works out for ya?

I say that pyroar is good against plasma cause where I live, pyroar is a really new card, people aren't countering it yet, so normally, they run an all basic decks.

I have still to try this deck more, I only tested it a few matches. As for the draw, I'm not having many problems, most of the time I'll be able to use fiery torch and then blacksmith. And if I can bench Delphox, I don't really need to use search supporters anymore.

I won't add another Keldeo cause I have no acess to another one. I still want to try a few more times with M Charizard and protection cube, see how that turns out. I'll try taking Pokemon fanclub and another card out and add another delphox line.
Just one more thing, should I keep Entei EX? I like his second attack.
I run a variation of the Blastoise/Keldeo deck and have found it quite flexible, changing my approach to a game can highly influence its outcome... As for counters, I guess plasma leafeon would be the easiest to set and most effective once set as these decks run plenty of energy... Another option would be running the stadium (Magnetic Field) that came out with Flashfire, not an advantage, but levels the playing field giving you a much better chance, because lets face it, you could add a leafeon or any other grass line, but as long as your deck is mostly fire it will still be at a disadvantage, plus you'll just have a pair of grass against what is usually a full water deck, and with Lysander or if Unlimited, Gust of Wind, out there along with Skyla to search for them your grass might not even have time to set up... Also this way you only have to change two cards from your already tight deck list... ( Another thing, Keldeo/Blastoise decks are not known for using Stadiums so they won't be able to take yours out and this makes Pyroar much more effective )

Summary, my advice is add at least 2 Magnetic Field Stadium's as side-deck and change for it when you need it or if you want, make space for them in your deck list. Hope this Helps :)
T4ketheShot said:
"I have yet to face a Keldeo/Blastoise deck, but I'm thinking it will give me a hard time. So, if you have any suggestions to counter that deck/changes to make, I'm here to listen. Thanks."

I also encountered this problem! unfortunately, there aren't a lot of options out there. However, blastoise usually attacks with black kyurem so the Druddigon (flashfire) card can knock it out for 2 colorless. As for Keldeo, theres a syther card that can do 60 for 3 colorless. So with a silver bangle that could knock keldeo EX out in one hit. But not the easiest thing to tech in. That's about all I got, if you find any better ways to deal with them please let me know!

As long as you attack with Pyroar, the only problem in a deck like that is when the opponent starts attacking with Blastoise, which is OHKO'd by CharizardEX. Both BlackKyuremEX and KeldeoEX are knocked out in two hits (or three if you don't discard an energy) by Pyroar.

I also joined in on the fiery deck trend, but took a little bit of a different path with it. Here is my Pokemon line in the deck:
3 ReshiramEX LTR
3 Pyroar
3 Litleo
2 VictiniEX
1 EnteiEX
1 RayquazaEX
ReshiramEX has similar stats and attacks to CharizardEX, but his 150-damage attack is usable every turn, at the cost of a coin flip for 50 recoil. This problem is solved by running Protect Cubes. I ran 1 EnteiEX because every once in a while, I start to run out of steam and all of my fire ends up in the discard due to not drawing into Blacksmiths fast enough. Victini is an awesome starter and looks cool because he has the same type as most of the other pokemon :p. RayquazaEX is both a fast way to kill an opposing BlackKyuremEX, and something to deal with Blastoise that won't get hit for weakness. I like it because you can kill Blastoise by just discarding 2 energy and attaching a muscle band. Anyyywaayys the real reson that I decided to go with Reshiram is because it was easier to trade for than Charizards, which I too am guilty of being too clingy to.
I have another version of this deck. You do the judging.

2 Charizard-EX
1 M Charizard-EX Y
2 Keldeo-EX
1 Kangaskhan-EX
1 Entei-EX
2 Litleo
2 Pyroar
2 Pikachu
2 Raichu
1 Druddigon

3 Professor Sycamore
3 Blacksmith
2 Lysandre
1 Cassius
1 N
3 Professor's Letter
3 Fiery Torch
3 Ultra Ball
2 Pal Pad
1 Evosoda
1 Skyla
3 Muscle Band
2 Float Stone
1 Protection Cube
1 Computer Search

11 Fire Energy
3 Double Colorless