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Charizard EX / Victini EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • Charizard EX - 4
    Victini EX - 2

  • Blacksmith - 4
    Victory Piece - 1

  • Fire Energy - 49

If i go turn 2, use Charizards first ability to put 3 more energies on him and then i can attack for 120 the next turn. If i go second and i have a Charzard and a Victini, i would use Victinis first attack to power up Charizard. unless i have the victory piece, then i would attack for 50 unless if was an ex then its 100
buckygamgee said:

  • Charizard EX - 4
    Victini EX - 2

  • Blacksmith - 4
    Victory Piece - 1

  • Fire Energy - 49

If i go turn 2, use Charizards first ability to put 3 more energies on him and then i can attack for 120 the next turn. If i go second and i have a Charzard and a Victini, i would use Victinis first attack to power up Charizard. unless i have the victory piece, then i would attack for 50 unless if was an ex then its 100

It doesn't matter how much energy a deck needs, you should NEVER run 49 energy. Here. Lower it down to about 9-12 energy. Also, get some type of evolutionary line in there, and then try a non-ex, to deal with safeguard and Plamsa KlingKlang. I can see you're new here, so I changed your deck up a bit, and this would be much better...

4 Charizard-EX (Combustion Blast)
2 Victini-EX
2 Bouffalant (Gold Breaker)
2-1-2 tepig/pignite/emboar (Inferno Fandango version)

3 Blacksmith
4 Fiery Torch
2 Professer's Letter
2 Shauna
3 Professer Juniper or Sycamore
4 Ultra Ball
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Muscle Band
1 Rare Candy
3 Skyla
1 Silver Mirror
1 Tropical Beach
3 Escape Rope

12 Fire Energy

Hope this helps!