Pokemon (22):
4-2-4 Charizard (AR-AR-AR)
2-2 Ninetales (PL-HS)
2-1-2 Typhlosion (HS-HS-Prime)
2-1 Blaziken FB X
Trainers (10):
4 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
Supporters (13):
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Judge
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Fisherman
1 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3):
3 Broken Time-Space
Energy (12):
12 Fire
Get everything set up on the bench as quick as possible, and swing for high damage while doing a lot of tanking with Charizard's gigantic HP and +30 weakness. Typhlosion HS is there as a counter to Umbreon. The problem I'm having is a lack of search, particularly for the higher stage Pokemon; also I would like to know what cards from the new set can fit in here, as I haven't had much time to look through the scans.. I know very well that the deck isn't perfect, and would really appreciate some help.
4-2-4 Charizard (AR-AR-AR)
2-2 Ninetales (PL-HS)
2-1-2 Typhlosion (HS-HS-Prime)
2-1 Blaziken FB X
Trainers (10):
4 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
Supporters (13):
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Judge
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Fisherman
1 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3):
3 Broken Time-Space
Energy (12):
12 Fire
Get everything set up on the bench as quick as possible, and swing for high damage while doing a lot of tanking with Charizard's gigantic HP and +30 weakness. Typhlosion HS is there as a counter to Umbreon. The problem I'm having is a lack of search, particularly for the higher stage Pokemon; also I would like to know what cards from the new set can fit in here, as I haven't had much time to look through the scans.. I know very well that the deck isn't perfect, and would really appreciate some help.