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Charizard / Pyroar


Lost Deck Builder

  • 4 Pyroar
    3 Charizard-EX
    4 Litleo

  • 2 Muscle Band
    4 Switch
    2 Colress
    4 Skyla
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Pokémon Catcher
    4 Fiery Torch
    4 Blacksmith
    2 Silver Bangle
    4 Professor Juniper
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Shauna

  • 8 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

This is my daughter's deck. Please any advice on this deck is welcome. I would say budget on this but she has very good draws.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

The deck looks fairly solid, but pretty inconsistent compared to most decks, so i would recommend making it a much more streamlined pyroar deck. That being said here are the changes I would think about;

-3 Fennekin
-3 Delphox - This line is kind of unnecessary and really just makes the deck more clunky
-3 Rare Candy - No delphox = No rare Candy
-1 BlackSmith - i find 3 to be sufficiant in my Pyroar builds, you will most likely not need 4

+2 Pyroar
+2 Litleo - This maxes out your Pyroar line which is really the core of the deck and your main attacker.
+4 N - this is a really good supporter and I noticed you don't have any in here, so there!
+1 Skyla - makes the deck more consistant
+1 Startling MegaPhone - For those darn Garbodors!

Changes that are purely preference
-1 or 2 Charizard EX
+1 or 2 Mewtwo EX - This would let you OHKO the ever popular Lucario EX and anything else weak to Psychich type
Finding room for bicycles - It's a good draw card and lets you use Blacksmiths in the same turn

Hope I helped :)
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

Delphox is not a good thing to have in this deck. The only way to counter Pyroar is to destroy its bench with Lysandre and Catcher.

-Delphox line and Rare Candy

+4 N It is a more reliable search, and can be used for disrupting your opponents hand making it harder to get out of the Pyroar lock.
+1 Startling Microphone Garbodor is the only deck that can destroy the deck, and with a Microphone you can nullify his effect.

I would say +1 of both Pyroar and Litleo.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

Unfortunately we ran into a money wall for her deck and can't find anymore N's around. Can I replace the N with Shauna? Its a poor man's N is the best way to put it.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

Shauna is actually good when you are winning. This deck needs Draw support, so some is better than none. I have built this deck, and I think 4 pyroar/litleo and 1 Charizard EX or Mewtwo EX+ an Emolga is a good pokemon. Just the rest for support. I actually started using 10 Fire 4 DCE with good success.

It is normally all play testing and preference when deck building.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

pygohan said:
Unfortunately we ran into a money wall for her deck and can't find anymore N's around. Can I replace the N with Shauna? Its a poor man's N is the best way to put it.

That's probably the best option next to N.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

For Delphox, wouldn't it make a good draw engine? Thats what she is asking me. What do you all think?
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

Delphox is really easy to catcher up and destroy for a price card against your Virizion/Genesecet decks or other decks that only use basics, and it being a stage 2 really exceeds its worth. Maybe Electrode. It is stage 1 and it is a bicycle you can use every turn. 2-2 is way better than a 2-0-2 line plus rare candy.
RE: Charizard/Pyroar

While you do play Delphox to increase consistency, I find it almost counter intuitive to do so because playing with a Stage 2 inherently decreases consistency. Most Stage 2's have to have a really unique and-or powerful Ability to see play because they can be a lot more difficult to get into play, and something like draw power is more easily achieved through playing higher counts of Supporters because you don't have to get the Basic in play and then spend a turn or two fishing for the Rare Candy. Instead of 2-0-2 Delphox with 2 Rare Candy, you could have just played 6 more Supporters. Only time I would consider playing Delphox would be in Rayboar as a 1-1 line where you already play 4 Rare Candy. If anything, I would play Electrode since it takes up less space and isn't that difficult to set up, but you do have to consider that with Pyroar, your main goal is to wall all of your opponents Basic Pokemon, and if you have achieved that, and your opponent is still looking for their Pyroar counter or don't have one, they're going to go for the Electrode because it would be the only prize they could take.