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The Ultra Phoenix
Hey guy and gals.
So, ever since the Arceus set came out, I've been attempting to put together a Charizard deck, and I finally came up with one. Yeah, sets and sets have come out since any of these did, but I haven't really been thinking about these much.... mostly working on a Scizor build.... but that's beside the point....
Anyway- The Deck!

4-3-4 Charizard AR
2-2-2 Typhlosion Prime HGSS
2 Ninetails HGSS (COL)
2 Vulpix SF (Shiny)
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD?

1 Super Scoop Up
2 Seeker
2 Expert Belt AR
3 Pokemon Collectors HGSS
3 Rare Candy UL
1 Broken Time-Space PL
1 Pokemon Contest Hall RR
1 VS Seeker SV
3 Bebe's Search RR

8 Fire Energy
1 Call Energy
2 Rescue Energy
1 Warp Energy
(this should all total to 59, apologies if inaccurate)

Strategy: 1
So, the basic strategy of this deck I am pretty sure is obvious- Get out Charizard and dominate. I have Typhlosion/Ninetails in there for consistent draw power and energy regain. If your lucky enough to start with a Smeargle, Portrait, and see if you can get the Lucky Egg attached to it. And the Lanturn Prime is something I'm kinda un-sure of, I originally put it in there as a counter for Gyarados (murders this deck) and Donphan. Neither of these aren't too much of counters as a full fire bench plus Expert Belt is 150 Damage, enough to one-shot both (and Charizard has a resistence to Donphan, look at that.) Charizard can also take care of Garchomp C, Luxray GL, Dialga G, Scizor Prime, etc. fairly easily. I'm considering adding 1-1-1 Emboar (Inferno Fandango) for energy storming, but still not sure.

Strategy: 2
This is still basically the same with the exception of Lanturn, that I took out. Again, straightforward Charizard rage, try to start with Spiritomb, Ninetails/Typhlosion for consistency, everything else is above.

I really like this deck, but I know I can change it (a lot), so criticism/suggestions (bad or good) is readilly accepted (obviously)
If your Pokemon line was organized like this:

4-4-4 Charizard AR
2-1-2 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales HS
1-1 Lanturn Prime
1 Smeargle UD

It would be much better.

So, first off, I would drop the following: 1-1 Lanturn, 1 Charmeleon, 1 Smeargle UD. Quite honestly, Lanturn doesn't work well with this deck, and in this deck, Spiritomb AR is better than Smeargle. You'll also need one Unown Q, and you can do with a 4-3-4 'Zard line. So:

- 1 - 1 Lanturn Prime
- 1 Charmeleon AR
- 1 Smeargle UD

+ 3 Spiritomb AR
+ 1 Unown Q
+ 2 Uxie LA
+ 1 Azelf LA
+ 1 Quilava HGSS

This will increase the decks consistency.

For Trainers, I would drop the following: 2 Expert Belt, 1 Lucky Egg, 1 Buck's Training, Pokemon Contest Hall, and 3 Professor Elm's Training Method. These are all sub-par cards in ths deck(excluding EB) which don't really work for consistency. I would add Luxury Ball, 1 more Collector, 3 Bebe's Search, another BTS, and 3 in any combination of Seeker/Super Scoop Up. Most of these are staple cards that will help you get set-up faster and recover from bad starts. So:

- 2 Expert Belt
- 1 Lucky Egg
- 3 Professor Elm's Training Method
- 1 Buck's Training
- 1 Pokemon Contest Hall

+ 1 Broken Time-Space
+ 3 Bebe's Search
+ 1 Pokemon Collector
+ 1 Luxury Ball
+ 3 Seeker/Super Scoop Up

For your energy, you should definitely drop 6 Fire Energy, both Double Colorless, and both Lightning Energies. You can add better energies, such as Warp Energy, Rescue Energy, and Call Energy. You can add 4 Call Energy, 2 Rescue Energy, and one Warp Energy.

That leaves a few open slots (9) which I'll leave up to other poaters to help you out with. Hope this deck works well for you, and hope my advice helped you!
all the changes would be really beneficial to the deck. The only thing i would add is that i would change your vulpix to the shiny one it has better attacks and less weakness to water. Also if you decided to run spirtomb i would do 4 and add in twins. also you could do a 3-3 ninetails line. besides that your deck looks really good
I edited the deck incorperating a lot of ideas, but I'm still hesitant about the Hearthome Hall, I like that card, give yourself a basic that already has an Expert Belt.. I like that.
I understand it probably isn't the best idea, but I'll test the two builds and see where it gets me.
