Writing Chasing the Shadows


A Newbie!! =D
I hope someone replies to this. It's more of a Sonic Fanfic so if you don't mind reading it and commenting it, I would gladly appreitiate (is that how you spell it?) it. :D


Here I am. Alone in the Darkness...with no one to take care of me. I was always been alone but there is always a light to follow at the end. But it's endless; the darkness. I've been scared and always been hoping to get out of the darkness. I felt like...being cursed. I've been felt that the Darklings in the dark are possessing me and hearing a whisper at the back of my head. I've been talking to myself and I've been talking to my shadow. I've also been walking in the darkness.

Suddenly a blue hedgehog comes to me and asks "Need a hand?" As I came go with him, a little of the brightness has been lightened up but it's still not enough to lighten the whole darkness. I got up and followed him. He asked me "What's your name?"

I replied to him, "I don't have a name..." The hedgehog was not impressed that I didn't have a name. So he called me Prairie from now on. My name is Prairie now. I became abit comfortable with him. I had abit of confidence. "What your name?" I asked the hedgehog.

"Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!"

The Light grew more! I'll be free in no time...

Chapter 1: More than just a fight...

"The light... is growing..." I said to myself happily.

Sonic asked and turned to me "What did you say?"

I said in a hurry. "Nothing." I was looking at side to side.

Sonic smiled suspiciously. "Anyways, you're gonna meet some of my friends, now."

I said ironically. "Umm... OK." I thought why is he smiling suspiciously?

In a while, Sonic showed me the place called Mystic Ruins. It was supposed to be the home of the Echidna Tribe.

Sonic said that there are 3 friends of his living here. Sonic and I visited a mechanical house, more of a workshop.

Sonic knocked the door, shouting. "Hey Tails! It's me, Sonic! We've got company!"

Then suddenly a pink hedgehog dressed in a red dress runs up to Sonic and hugs him. I wasn't really surprised on how that feline runs up to him. I thought she has a crush on Sonic.

The pink hedgehog asked "Who is she? IS SHE TRYING TO STEAL MY SONIC!?!?!?"

I asked her "... yours? I just met him like 10 minutes ago so it's no such big deal."

She didn't believe me because I was with him so she pulled out her huge red-and-yellow colored hammer and shouted with anger like fire "YOU LEAVE MY SONIC ALONE!!!" and swung the hammer and I dodged her attacks. She swung continuously and I dodged alot.

I shouted "Stop it! This isn't gonna change anything!"

She shouted at me "AND WHY AREN'T YOU FIGHTING BACK!!!"

I covered my ears as if my ears are going to explode then all of a sudden a red echidna appears and shouted "Hey can't you shut up!? I can hear you from a mile away!!"

I uncovered my ears to see that it's OK. Then a yellow two-tailed fox comes in. "Hiya Sonic, Amy and Knuckles!" he greeted. Then he noticed me. "Who are you?" he asked pointing at me.

"I was about asking you the same thing. Who are you?"

The pink hedgehog interrupted shouting "SHE'S TRYING TO STEAL MY SONIC!!!"

I said to her "I said I JUST MET HIM 10 MINUTES AGO SO IT'S NO SUCH BIG DEAL. And since when were you thinking I was gonna steal him?"

The Echidna got angry while listening to the conversation. "Oh for GOD SAKES! It's your problem! You started it!"

Sonic asked the echidna. "Is this gonna help? You're just making it worse!"

I screamed out loud "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!!!" and echoes were able to hear.

Everyone was completely silent. I panted with anger.

Sonic became surprised. "I never knew you could make everyone silent."

I lost my temper and the glow has became smaller. My shadow rose up. "Wha- Hey!"

Sonic shouted at me "Who's that?!"

I explained and pointed at my shadow. "That's my shadow!" then from a blink of an eye the shadow disappeared. I looked at my feet. I noticed that I don't have a shadow.

This was the strangest thing that happened to me in my life.

Chapter 2: The Shadow Trouble

Sonic, Knuckles and I went to Station Square to see if there is any business to take care of. The city was in chaos! Blazing fire, broken down Buildings! Everything went chaotic and because of my Shadow... Then a shadowy figure came walking towards me. It was my shadow!

I pointed to that shadow. "You! You caused this!" then suddenly the shadow grabbed my neck and held me up in the air. "Let. Me. GO!!"

With an evil grin "You think you can beat me? On being wrapped in darkness? Hehehe..."

I looked eye to eye in a shock. The brown eyes meet black. I remained silent then she threw me on the floor. Then she walked towards Sonic. He looked serious and in a fighting position.

"You sure are a serious problem." said Sonic as he was in a fighting position.

Suddenly Knuckles interrupts from the side with a punch. "TAKE THIS!!!" then he went through the shadow. "What the--" the shadow then blasted a shadow ball without looking for aim. It surrounded the echidna and collapsed in sleep. The echidna was suffering from nightmares.

Sonic shouted and looked away "Knuckles!!"

I shaked him as if he was dead. "Knuckles! Knuckles wake up!! Say something!!!" then I frowned. "Knuckles..."

Sonic came over to me and said "How do we wake him up?"

"It'll take some time for him..." I replied back.

The fire started to get smaller until there is only ash on the floor. I felt so sorry for the people who lived here. They will all HATE me for what the trouble has done.

Sonic then carried him. "Let's go to Mystic Ruins."

Later then the Shadow came to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. Then with an evil laugh, she said "The unlimited power will soon be mine. Hehehehe..." the Lighting started to roar and the dark clouds surrounded the sky. Then she drained the energy of the Master Emerald and made a body just like Prairie.

"This is just delicious..." she grinned with evilness. Then she noticed she's talking with no mouth. With a little dark magic, she fixed it. "That's better. With this body on, I'll fool everyone very easily... and bring chaos to the world... Hehehehe...hahahahahaha!" Then she warped and left the Master Emerald luster like an ordinary stone. Then Angel Island fell into the Ocean. CRASH!!!

I was scared and asked "What the heck was that!?"

Sonic knew what this means. "ANGEL ISLAND FELL!!!"

"This is getting worse and even worse! That shadow is collecting the elements to wipe out the world! I've got to stop him!"

"Wait!" shouted Sonic and grabbed my arm and dragged me. "You're not gonna go there and try to stop her alone! I'm going too!"

"OK..." I said as I was unsure for this situation.

End of chapter~

Hope you enjoy this.