Chatot MD


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So, I have been away from the beach for a couple of months, and this is the first time I've been on since the rotation. Suddenly I'm seeing Chatot MD in almost every deck. Is everyone replacing their Claydols with Chatot's? He's not that good IMO. Can someone explain why he's so popular?
Chatot is a great starter, giving a hand refresh T1. The lists that I see running Chatot is usually only has one or two Chatot.
Hm. I haven't seen it played at all, actually, but I guess it's a pretty good starter. T1, it's sort of like a PONT with 1 extra card. Also, it has 0 retreat cost, so it's not like you're going to be worrying about retreating it.
PONT with 1 extra card? Funny, I rarely see my opponents have 7 cards if I started the game, mulligans aside.
Chatot has 0 retreat, a hand refresh attack and can lock opponents pokes. This all combined makes him a viable tech.
Smeargle is better if you want a real starter tho, and Uxie is better drawpower.
Yeah it's a decent starter, if you get it T1. If you run 1/2 Chatot you're probably not going to get it T1. It's also pretty much useless after T3/4, and if you like you're hand then it's a dead draw. Not to mention it's a pretty easy prize. How does it lock powers? Anyway, I don't think it can be compared to Uxie, who can draw, attack, rinse, repeat. And yes, Smeargle is definetly better than Chatot.
He said it locks opponent's pokes, not power lol.

But yeah, it has free Retreat so with that in mind it's better than Sableye/Smeargle if you happen to start with it.

dmaster out.
Oh, sorry. But with Chatot it needs to be active and uses up your attack, whereas with Smeargle you can use his power on the bench and keep him there so he doesn't get KO'd (as easily).
No, smeargle needs to be on active. (but then you can retreat but I don t think somebody is going to waste a Switch and a warp just to get another supporter;))
Chatot is cool for a few reasons. First of all, he is free retreat. You have NO IDEA how important having at least 1 free retreater on bench at all times is. A primary example of this is if you just got KO'd, but you don't know what to promote. You don't have to risk that important draw... just promote Chatot. If you get your attacker, retreat and start smashing. If not, do something else. Next, Chatot has a great attack that serves the purpose of the "I don't have anything else to do so I am going to draw" attack. It is just really amazing. Finally, if you play DCE, you can lock a Spiritomb player for a few turns when they are ready to retreat. You can even win the game with Chatot alone if the Tomb player is dumb enough not to play a warp energy and/or they have all of their warp energies discarded or prized. Chatot is a great early starter and is just fun. I would only use 1 in a deck, however. They aren't great in numbers.

Also, I dislike your statement "replacing claydol with chatot". People need to learn that metagames aren't made by replacing. They evolve (hahaha) on their own. If we continue with the "replace" mind set, we would still be playing basic pokemon that do a damage for 1-2 energy, lots of draw trainers, and ways to completely wall damage (intake 10/turn). Once again, that is not happening... just move on guys
I didn't mean replacing in that way, I meant people who ran Claydol but now have empty spaces seem to be using Chatot as their drawpower (part of it anyway).
I like playing 1 Chatot in some decks (I played in it Scizor/Cherrim for BR's, and I tried it out in LuxChomp on RS). It can lock Tombs from retreating, and if you have a terrible start it helps. And a free retreat bench guy is good if you play Warp Point.