Cheap Energy Cards????


mmmmm....friiiiiiiiied riiiiiice...
Yo! Anyone know where I can stock up on cheap basic energy cards?
And special energy as well?

Like dirt 5-10¢ or something.

What Basic Energy do you need? If it's not metal or dark, I'll ship you some if make me one of your awesome sig pics.
Total deal!!
Even though I currently need darkness basic cards....

Umm lemme think about which ones I need first.
RE: Cheap Energy Cards??

dark fire said:
leage leaders give you the energy you need for free at your lueage

Provided said League Leaders actually HAVE that much energy. I can only BORROW my players their energy for the day, since it belongs to the store.
On ebay, you can get like 100 of an energy for a dollar or something close to that.
RE: Cheap Energy Cards??

dark fire said:
hmm my luege leader gets packs of them and gives them to us

You mean the foil ones? There's only 1 of those for each player each 6 weeks.
RE: Cheap Energy Cards??

the kid mainly want the plain boring ones from base set or theme decks that people have so many of.
If you're looking for energy in bulk, try asking your PTO if he can order you an energy carton. 900 Energy (150 each of Fighting, Fire, Grass, Lightning, Psychic, and Water) runs them about US$30. PUI sells them direct to the PTOs to run draft and pre-release events.
Thanks to all of you!:D
I'll look into what each of you said.

Any tips on cheap darkness and steel?
thisbemoo said:
Any tips on cheap darkness and steel?

Theme decks are your only option for that right now.

Eventually they'll start putting them into the PTO energy cartons, but first they're trying to get rid of all the energy they already have boxed before they put new boxes together.
RE: Cheap Energy Cards??

Try Ebay or Amazon. They usually have good deals on cards.:)