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ChenLock (Sableye/Garchomp/Blaziken)


Unown Q Master
Lately I've been thinking about possible ways to upgrade my ChenLock, so here I am, looking for help. Here's the list:

Pokemon (22):
4 Sableye SF
2 Garchomp C SV
2 Garchomp C Lv X SV
1 Blaziken FB SV
1 Blaziken FB Lv X SV
2 Murkrow SV
2 Honchkrow SV
2 Uxie LA
1 Honchkrow G
2 Crobat G
1 Chatot G
1 Unown Q
1 Ambipom G
1 Unown DARK UD

Trainer (26):
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Poke Turn
3 Power Spray
3 Energy Gain
3 Pokemon Collector
2 SP Radar
2 Cyrus's Initiative
2 Judge
1 VS Seeker
1 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection

Energy (12):
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Special Darkness Energy
2 Darkness Energy
2 Fire Energy

Meta info: I'm pretty much the only SP user in the area, so I don't have to worry about Mirrors, avoiding Power Sprays and whatnot. Blaziken is a must for trolling Kingdras and dealing with Steelix/Scizor.

Strategy: Well, the usual. Try to donk with Sableye, if that fails - disrupt your opponent with Judges/Initiatives/Chatots and start taking out their Mons.

Honchkrow and Uxie counter Machamp, Blaziken counters any Grass/Steel nonsense (which are plenty around here) and Garchomp with Krow are the main attackers.

Any ideas are welcome.
If you want to donk so much, I suggest that when B/W rules are used you make a Sabledonk deck. But I think that if you use Sableye, they will have to go to the coin flip, and that's enough, because if you go first you almost already won. You have Blaziken and Garchomp that do the magic number to 0HKO a Sableye when belted.
As for your deck, maybe take out an SP Radar for a Bebe's Search if you have many Vilegars in your meta. Otherwise, the deck looks perfect!
I don't really want donks to be primary focus of the deck, but if there is the possibility of donking - well, it's nice to use it when possible, and Unown DARK would help with that.

There are only 2 Vilegars in my meta, but I might consider running 2nd Bebe anyway.
I think it's not necessary Unown Dark. Anyway, if you feel it's necessary, put it.
..If dem Steelix and whatnot are so common, run a 2-2 Blaziken FB, and a 1-1 Honckkrow?
Honestly, you could probably take out a SPRadar, for an Azelf, or another Bebe's, or Unown Dark.

Well, if you run Unown Dark, you could take out 2 Sp. Dark energy, and add in the extra Bebe's, and the Azelf.
Updated the deck with a newer version. I plan to add 1 Junk Arm and 1 Expert Belt to the deck - what should I take out? I'm pretty sure I'll drop Ambipom G, since I basically never use it, but what else should I drop is a tough question.