• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

ChenLock, Seniors, everything


4x Sableye
2x Garchomp C
2x Garchomp C LV. X
2x Blaziken FB
1x Blaziken FB LV. X
1x Chatot G
1x Unown Q
1x Crobat G
1x Smeargle
1x Murkrow (SV)
1x Honchkrow (SV)
2x Uxie (need the X)
2x Honchkrow G
1x Ambipom G (might switch for Dragonit FB)
1X Azelf
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
4x SP Radar
3x Power Spray
3x Energy gain
3x Poke Turn (need 1 more!)
2x Cyrus's Initiative
1x Judge
1x Luxury Ball
1x Warp Point (tech for disruping)
2x Pokemon Communication
1x bebe's search
1x pokemon collector
1x aaron's collection

4x Double Colorless energy
3x Dark
1x Special dark
3x fire
RE: ChenLock

You should try to fit 4 Sp. Darks, maybe cut out a Fire for one and some other stuff. Otherwise, good list!
RE: ChenLock

Thanks, i actually thought of that but then you can't grab them with cyrus's. Thanks for the help!
RE: ChenLock

-1 SP Radar

+1 Power Spray

I'm not Chenlock/Sablelock king, but IMO having four Power Spray is vital when it comes to disrupting your opponent and their Poke Powers. Plus, you don't need four SP Radar since you already have three more, Bebe's, and Communication.
RE: ChenLock

Thanks, i might consider that, I like the idea of runnong four sprays though, i don't how i can get another though.
RE: ChenLock

Pokemon: 23
4 Sableye
2-2 Garchomp C X
2-2 Blaziken FB X
1 Chatot G
1 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
1-1 Honchkrow SV
2-1 Uxie
1 Ambipom G
1 Azelf
1 Lucario GL

T/S/S: 26

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 SP Radar
2 Power Spray
3 Energy gain
4 Poketurn
2 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Judge
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collector

Energy: 11
4 Double Colorless energy
2 Dark
2 Special dark
3 fire

Here are some changes that I thought would work well.
Mind you a bunch is just personal choice, but I'd recommend keeping the Pokemon line-up.
Judge and Iniative are for T1 disruption ofcourse (Judge if you have a crappy hand)
Everything should be more consistent. Lucario GL there so you can OHKO Machamp with a Crobat G drop. Even if you don't have all the cards, proxy them till you get them, so you get a feel on how to play it.

Anyways, hope I helped you a bit!

I played Chenlock at 2/3 Cities I went to. I didn't use Lucario GL, but it would have won me 2 games against Machamp.
Which would have resulted in me being in top 2 cut at one of the cities.
The extra Crobat G would have also won me another game.

(Also, it was kind of hard to read your decklist, with all the xs, and everything was spread. Much easier to read them if they look similar to the one above. Just for future reference.)
RE: ChenLock

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question..but how overall is this different than sabelock? or is it just a different name for the same deck?
RE: ChenLock

Eh, It's basically BlazeChomp IMO.

You disrupt with Sableye, attack, etc etc.
Not as good as it used to be. The superior Tool-box deck is LuxChomp.
Pokemon: 23
4 Sableye
2-2 Garchomp C X
2-2 Blaziken FB X
1 Chatot G
1 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
1-1 Honchkrow SV
2-1 Uxie
1 Ambipom G
1 Azelf
1 Lucario GL

T/S/S: 26

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 SP Radar
2 Power Spray
3 Energy gain
4 Poketurn
2 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Judge
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collector

Energy: 11
4 Double Colorless energy
2 Dark
2 Special dark
3 fire

This is list is better than your current one. Update your list with something like that, and I'm sure people will comment more once they see the improved version. Then it'll get more and more improved.
Easy peezy.
from your list i would say

-1 honchkrow g
-1 blaziken fb
+1-1 honchkrow sv

honchkrow g isnt really doing anything nowadays is it? and blaziken fb is not as important as honchkrow is honchkrow is more useful because blaziken fb lv.x only does base 80 unless last turn you burn them bu what if they retreat or pick up? while honchkrow lets you(if they dont finish you off too quickly) do 80 with full bench and more if they got uxie and other basic not to mention its ability against machamp donphan and mewtwo.

hope this help
Thanks, but i use Blaziken more than Honchkrow, and i'll take out Honchcrow G when i finish my deck. Thanks!

I need help!
-1 Blaziken FB LV. X
-2 Blaziken FB
-3 fire energy
+1 Luxray GL LV.X
+2 Guxray GL
+3 Lightning energys