Chenlock unstoppable


This is the all powerful genosect.
I went to Winamac IN cities yesterday playing chenlock. I'm in the seniors division and we had four rounds and a top two. This is basically how it turned out.

round 1 vs Nick P. using venasuar/vespiqueen
This was a pretty quick game. It was Nicks first tourny and he didn' really have any resources in his hand to begin with. I started sableye, blaziken, and chatot g. I screwed up his top deck and his hand usinng cyrus's innitiative. He had two bulbasuar and I murdered them using blaziken

round 2 vs Tyler B. using dialgachomp
Even with blaziken Ive always had trouble with facing dialgachomp. He got a horrible start with a skuntank g and I locked him very quickly. He couldn't get any energy or supporters and he didn't draw even a single prize.

round 3 vs Troy W. using ampharos/metagross
This match wasn't very fair because I helped him with the deck and we both knew that he would autolose against me. I basically just controlled him the whole time until he knocked out my blaziken. Luckily I had garchomp for backup and continuously took prizes. I had two left and he made the mistake of belting a tyrogue on the bench. Dragon rush knockout.

round 4 vs Maddy (can't remember last name) playing Luxray gl/ Kingdra
This was a very unfair match. She had a uxie and I had sableye, chatot g, and uxie. I took away her supporters with innitiative and chatotg. Then I was able to bench blaziken with a fire and an energy gain. Nest turn I leveled up and one-shoted uxie.

Finally final two me vs Tyler the rematch he was waiting for
round 1: I get an ideal start and lock him just like the other round that I was faced against him. He didn't get anything good out and couldn't topdeck anything. He had "bad luck" as he said.

round 2: This match went back and forth. at the beggining he got dgx out with one sp{M} one {M} and one{C}{C} and a belt. I leveled up my blaziken and ohkoed it. I was down to one prize and all heck broke loose. He had a bronzing g with three sp{M} and an ebelt. He knocked out five of my pokemon and I thought that I was screwed. Luckily I topdecked a cyrus's conspiracy and got a dark energy to attatch to my active garchomp with a {C}{C} on it and dragon rushed a azelf for the win

I became the Winamac City Champion! I was completely surprised that I won after the whole day people were laughing at me for playing chenlock. So I wnt home with a medal, absol prime, machamp prime, yanmega prime, bottom of cresselia darkrai, and top of palkia dialga from the packs. I also traded for a mini binder witch is pretty cool. Overall I had a great day.
I seriously rofl'd at the near-deck by Bronzong G thing. I bet that might have been the highlight of the day. In any case you did quite good although you did have a heavy measure of luck on your side that day. In any case, congratulations.
Really the only luck I had was in the finals because I knew that there weren't very many threats except for Tyler's dialgachomp and Garret's sablelock which I didn't face. There wasn' even much luck in the finals because he only started wining because I made a huge misplay with an energy gain