Hi everyone. my wife is new to the pokemon TCG but is an avid pokemon fan overall. She'd like to play a casual deck based around Chestnaught and Fairy type pokemon. While I know it's not a requirement of her's, she'd like the Flower Veil Floette in the deck if it's possible. For now I've come up with the below list as a possible first draft deck. Please keep in mind she wants Fairy to be more of a secondary resource in the deck and we are trying to keep it under budget.
Note: I've listed some pokemon coming out next set because we are fine playing wit our starter decks while I get her used to the game and can wait for the new cards to come out.
I'd definitely appreciate some help since although I think I made a decent enough deck list, I know that I'm rusty outside of what I've been able to catch up on.
I've taken the liberty of moving your thread to the correct forum, and then edited your post to coincide with the rules! Make sure to put your posts in the correct forums next time, man -- The New Player Help forum is just for new players and their questions, whilst decklists go in the Deck Garage forum. Thanks!
Note: I've listed some pokemon coming out next set because we are fine playing wit our starter decks while I get her used to the game and can wait for the new cards to come out.
3 Tropius (Plasma Blast)
3 Chespin (Kalos Starter)
3 Quilladin (Kalos Starter)
3 Chesnaught (XY)
4 Eevee (Furious Fist)
3 Sylveon (Furious Fist)
1 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
1 Mr. Mime (Plasma Freeze)
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Professor's Letter
2 Escape Rope
3 Colress
3 Skyla
2 Hard Charm
2 N
2 Rocky Helmet
2 Level Ball
4 Rainbow Energy
5 Fairy Energy
9 Grass Energy
I'd definitely appreciate some help since although I think I made a decent enough deck list, I know that I'm rusty outside of what I've been able to catch up on.
I've taken the liberty of moving your thread to the correct forum, and then edited your post to coincide with the rules! Make sure to put your posts in the correct forums next time, man -- The New Player Help forum is just for new players and their questions, whilst decklists go in the Deck Garage forum. Thanks!