Chintendo Vii


can't get Bridgit Mendler out of my mind
No joke José, this exists. It is from China. It is very funny the bad way of faking the Wii. Discuss!


MM, don't freak out, but it is actually considered a console.
@__@ My Eyes are Currently Bleeding. My mind, too.
How could someone...not...notice that?
omahanime said:
Does it play it Wii games or knock off versions?

:mad: Linkage

There you go, all the'll...never need.
This is probably the worst console ever. Probably illegal, too.

And there's really nothing more to say about it.
FireMeowth said:
This is probably the worst console ever. Probably illegal, too.

And there's really nothing more to say about it.

It clearly IS Illegal as it infringes on Nintendo's intellectual properties. I.E. the Shape of the console, how it performs, how it's advertised and presented.

I think even referring to this.... this...atrocity as a console is a blatant lie. @___@
infmach said:
No joke José, this exists. It is from China. It is very funny the bad way of faking the Wii. Discuss!

God, that thing is so wacked up!

Hey, infmach, by any chance do you know what company made it? I'd probably click Dezuray's link, but I'm afraid I'll get a virus if I do...
OMG. I heard a rumour about this thing existing. But that was months ago and i had given it up as a bad dream. I cannot believe it actually exists. Why would anyone buy that. It looks like trash
I plays GBA-like cartridge games. Look it up on YouTube. On the commercial, the "inventor" says "there's nothing like this. I promise!" LAME!
*Clears up blood from mouth and eyes*

OMFG, this can't be real, can it? I mean Nintendo could sue these guys, right? :p If it did come up out then I would actually buy it, you know just for the hell of things.
Oh wow! I can't wait to buy one of these so I can play Super Gario Malaxy!

But seriously, what the hell? Surely the guy who invented this didn't think he could get away with it... surely...

EDIT: Actually, maybe he can. It's not just the Wii which has been copied... BEHOLD!
Fail. I wonder why Nintendo haven't sued that company that made it yet?

@above, another copy fail.
PokeChamp said:
Hey, infmach, by any chance do you know what company made it? I'd probably click Dezuray's link, but I'm afraid I'll get a virus if I do...

The company is named Chintendo.
BTW, it is legal, and the games are fakes of some old games.
This is disgustingly sick. If I was Nintendo, I would've barfed already. Then I'd kill Chintendo and their Gario, Lelda, and Bokemon.

dmaster out.
All I have to say is old, I have seen the video like 2 years ago, it really was a 90's thing.