Wi-Fi Trades CHOMPYS Player Thread


Welcome to CHOMPYS's player thread!


My Friend Code: 1461-2675-8671
AIM: Chompy621
Yahoo: [email protected]
Contact Time: Please only contact me when i come hom at 3:00 PM-12 AM. Monday through Friday



Special Sweepers

- Lucario Modest
- Magnezone Modest Shiny (Caught from FRLG)
- Mismagius Timid
- Porygon Z Modest
- Typhlosion Mild
- Alakazam Modest
- Sceptile Timid (Subseed)
- Jynx Timid with hidden power electric
- Raikou Timid with hidden power grass
- Gardevoir Modest
- Kingdra Modest with Draco Meteor
- Azelf Timid
- Gengar Timid with Hypnosis
- Infernape Naive (Mixed Version)
- Heatran Modest
- Yanmega Modest (Shiny) (Caught from FRLG)
- Salamence Modest with Draco Meteor

Physical Attackers

- Weavile Adamant with Pursuit
- Garchomp adamant Sword Dancer
- Garchomp 2x Jolly
- Garchomp Naive with Draco Meteor
- Salamence Adamant Shiny (Dragon Dancer)
- Staraptor Adamant
- Rhyperior Adamant with solid rock
- Dugtrio Jolly
- Tauros Jolly
- Slaking Adamant
- Machamp Adamant with No Guard
- Marowak Jolly
- Metagross Adamat with pursuit
- Metagross Adamant with Agility
- Rampardos Adamant Rock Polish
- Aerodactyl Jolly
- Breloom Adamant
- Tyranitar Adamant Choice Banded
- Heracross Adamant
- Dragonite Adamant (Dragon Dancer)
- Electivire Adamant Shiny Lonely
- Medicham Adamant

Physical and Special Walls
- Skarmory Impish
- Tangrowth Impish
- Registeel Relaxed with counter
- Cresselia Bold
- Swampert Impish
- Uxie Bold
- Suicune Bold
- Donphan Impish
- Hippowdon Impish
- Forretress Impish
- Steelix Impish
- Torterra Impish
- Milotic Impish
- Weezing Bold
- Miltank Calm
- Zapdos Bold
- Snorlax Careful
- Gliscor Impish Shiny
- Dusknoir Careful Shiny
- Bronzong Careful
- Empoleon Calm
- Cradily Careful

- Ninjask Jolly
- Jolteon Timid Hidden Power Ice
- Starmie Timid with Rapid Spin
- Claydol Bold
- Togekiss Timid
- Smeargle Jolly
- Celebi Calm
- Jirachi Impish with wish
- Gardevoir Timid with wish
- Roserade Timid
- Ludicolo Bold
- Drapion Impish
- Vaporeon Bold
- Umbreon Bold
- Spiritomb Careful
- Ambipom Adamant

POKEMON I WANT=======================


Umm since i pretty much have every pokemon thats trained and i can just clone them how about pokemon cards?

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

10x Rare Candy
Choice Spec
Choice Band
Black Sludge
Quick Claw
Razor Claw
Bright Powders
50 copys of each vitamins

ITEMS I WANT=========================

None really just cards lol



Players From the Pokegym 90:10

Burritogirl: W:10 L:1
So Spike My Drink: W:3 L:1
Pablo: W:3 L: 2
Matteno: W:6 L:1
Sketch: W:5: L:1
Hot Carl: W:2 L:1
Pooka: W:2 L:0
Regis Neo: W:2 L:0
Vaporeon85: W:6 L:0
Blaziking: W:3 L:0
Homeofmew: W:1 L:0
Aade8: W:2 L:0
BJBangle: W:1 L:0
Blastoiseshellshocker: W:2 L:0
Espeonchris15: W:3 L:0
Chriscobii0886: W:4 L:0
Broken Lizard: W:2 L:0
Muk Man: W: 2 L:0
Seifer: W: 7 L:0
Pokewisonsin: W:1 L:0
Max: W:2 L:0
Adam Garcia: W: 2 L:0
Moltres423: W:2 L:0
Miamisportsfan45: W:5 L:0
Drkzen: W:3 L:2
The King Of Magikarps: W:1 L:0
Metricus: W:1 L:0
SonytendoDSP: W:2 L:0
Kevin: W:1 L:0
Cardraider: W:1 L:0
Garshop: W:3 L:1

Players from Pojo 17-0

SecretAgenManX: W:3 L:0
Pup122: W:2 L:0
Link Hero: W:2 L:0
Furirous Hunter: W:1 L:0
Slash 123: W:1 L:0
Raichuroxx: W:3 L:0
Mr. Slowhands W:1 L:0

Players From Team Tempest 19-0 TEAM TEMPEST
Alex: W:2 L:0
Salamence: W:8 L:0
Zain: W:3 L:0
Tyler: W:1 L:0
Dankre: W:1 L:0
Na Na: W:1 L:0
Warmonga: W:2 L:0

Serebii Chat Room
My record there is 15:1

Players from Serebii: I can remember the players names but i remember winning all of my games and lost one. They were from chat rooms
Would be willing to breed me an Yanma from your Megayanma (Yanmega).
what do you want for these
- Magnezone Modest Shiny (Caught from FRLG)
- Yanmega Modest (Shiny) (Caught from FRLG)
- Salamence Adamant Shiny (Dragon Dancer)
- Electivire Adamant Shiny Lonely
- Gliscor Impish Shiny
- Dusknoir Careful Shiny

check my player thread to see what i can offer ;)
what do you want for shiny salamence?
what do you want for adament dragonite?
shiny electrivire plz??
maybe kingdra also?
maybe kingdra also?
and modest salamence??
shiny magnezone plz look at my thread
i want these shinys:
- Magnezone Modest Shiny (Caught from FRLG)
- Yanmega Modest (Shiny) (Caught from FRLG)
- Salamence Adamant Shiny (Dragon Dancer)
- Electivire Adamant Shiny Lonely
- Gliscor Impish Shiny
- Dusknoir Careful Shiny

and i have these shinys:
Onix (lvl 44 impish), Rypherior (lvl 55 mild), Altaria (lvl 35 jolly), Gastrodon (blue) (lvl 52 quiet), Chingling (lvl 13 gentle), Medicham (lvl 35 docile), Magnemite (lvl 22 gentle), Staravia (lvl 17 quiet), Aggron (lvl 73 timid), Mightyena (lvl 23 docile), Luxray (lvl 30 hasty), Ampharos (lvl 37 hardy), Xatu (lvl 60 gentle), Girafarig (lvl 50 bold), Golbat (lvl 31 lax), Muk (lvl 34 hardy), Gyarados (lvl 69 quiet), Rayquaza (lvl 100 naive), Metagross (lvl 100 gentle)
Porygon-Z (lvl 100 quiet), Dialga (lvl 47 gentle), Palkia (lvl 47 impish), Uxie (lvl 50 docile), Mesprit (lvl 50 quiet), Azelf (lvl 50 quiet)
Mariko- I will trade those 6 pokemon you just listed. But would you give me azelf,Rhyperior,dialga,uxie,mesprit,metagross?

Kanaju- How about my Shiny Electivire for your shiny palkia?
Mariko- My friend code is 1461-2675-8671 and i am logging in

Kanaju- I got this electivire from a friend and he told me it isnt hacked.