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Chuck (Cofagrigus)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 11

  • 4-4 Cofagrigus ND
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Druddigon
    1 Jirachi EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 45

  • 3 Level Ball
    3 Evosoda
    3 Bianca
    4 N
    3 Bicycle
    3 Elesa
    1 Tool Scrapper
    1 Colress
    1 Shauna
    1 Skyla
    1 Life Dew - Ace spec
    3 Float Stone
    4 Hard Charm
    4 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Rescue Scarf
    2 Silver Mirror
    4 Rocky Helmet
Energy: 4

  • 4 DCE

This deck is definitely just for fun it isn't meant to be competitive. Cofagrigus has the attack "chuck" which, for 2 colorless does 40 damage times the number of tools you discard from your hand. It's an older idea that has become more effective with the release of new tools and cards like elesa and bicycle. I know the energy is very low but there is really nothing i could add that would be worth it and usually 4 DCE is just enough unless your opponent is running hammers or something. Just be very careful where you attach the energy, usually you don't need all 4 cofagrigus. And a lot of the time druddigon/mewtwo clean up the last kill when I'm all out of tools. Bianca is actually decent in this deck since usually your hand size is very small, same goes for bicycle. They are bad to get in your starting hand though so I run jirachi just incase. I run nothing that discards cards like, ultra ball, juniper, dowsing machine, ect. because you need every single tool card.

The way I see it there is two ways to run this deck. Either this way which is to keep the pokemon simple and just run a ton of tools. Or run garbodor and sableye and junk hunt to recycle some tools, not running as many tools in that case.