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Cincinno/Mew for BR's.


Aspiring Trainer
~4 Mew Prime.
~4-3 Cincinno BW.
~3-1-2 Vileplume UD.
~1 Uxie. LA
~2 Absol.
~1 Crobat Prime.
~1 Umbreon.

Total : 22.
Basic : 15.

- 2 Expert Belt.
- 2 Pokemon Comm.
- 2 Rare Candy
- 2 Pokedex.
- 1 Dual Ball.

Total Trainers : 9

- 1 Engineer's Adjustments.
- 3 Seeker.
- 2 Professor Juniper.
- 2 Professor Oaks New Theory.
- 2 Pokemon Collector.
- 2 Bebe's Search.

Total : 12

- 2 DCE.
- 9 Psychic.
- 2 Darkness.
- 4 Sp. Darkness.

Total : 17

Basic strategy : Go for a donk with either Mew or Cincinno on T2, if all else fails get Vileplume for a trainer lock and keep hitting consistant 100's/120's.

Harsh Criticism Welcome, as well as card suggestions.