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Cincinno Swarm (HS-on) for any

Chaos Ripper

Obsessed w/ TES-Oblivion, Lamb of God, and GH-WOR
4-4 Cincinno BLW
2 Pichu HS
2-2 Zoroark BLW
1 Smeargle UD/CL
1-1 Scrafty BLW
1 Bouffalant BLW
1 Unown (Dark)
1 Cleffa HS


Basic {D}-2
Special {D}-4
Double Colorless-4


Pokemon Collector-4
Interviewer's Questions-1
Professor Oak's New Theory-2

Pokemon Communication-4
Junk Arm-2
Pokemon Circulator-4
Super Scoop Up-2


Fill up bench, then use cincinno's do the wave for 20x the number of benched pokemon , which should be around 80-100 dmg. for 2 {C}, which is pretty good. scrafty for fun, as spit acid burns, and possibly paralyzes, which is very valuable. pichu to fill up the bench, cleffa to make a hand return, unown to search for a dark energy, and zoroark to set up heavily. rescue energy to save cincinno from the discard pile, double colorless specifically for cincinno, dark for zoroark, scrafty, and cincinno if no DCE is available. pokemon cirulator is for getting my opponent's power hitters out of the way to attack, switch for efficiency, pokemon communication to search for whatever pokemon i need to have out. i just got a cincinno in my Battle Road prizes today, and this is where this deck was born.
I'd say 4 Collectors for consistency, plus a 2-2 Zoroark instead of 1-1 in case they are prized. I could also show you my decklist as I'm currently running Cinccino, if it would help.
-4 dark

+4 special dark

There is almost no reason why you wouldn't want to make this change. One special dark lets you OHKO reshiram and Zekrom with their own attacks.