• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Hi, I'm a scrub
4-4 Cincino
4 Spiritomb
2-2-2 Vileplume
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q


4 Collector
3 Bebe
3 Copycat
2 Judge
1 Palmer
3 Seeker
1 Twins


2 Upper
2 Warp
2 Grass
4 Call



Strategy: Use Spiritomb to set up Vileplume and Cincino, and Do the Wave for lots of KOs.

Im a bit iffy about the nrg line. I thought about running some more psychic/grass for scizor, and i also thought about Rescue. I'm not sure what to use.
RE: Cincino seniors (Still don't get why the division needs to be added)

Any reason why you'd choose Vileplume to be paired up with Cincinno? Personally I never even thought of that.
RE: Cincino seniors (Still don't get why the division needs to be added)

I think it's just purely for the purpose of Trainer Lock. Cincino has a pretty quick setup so it kind of makes sense. I assume you're going for the Jumpluff feel, but just with Cincino? IMO Cincino is better anyways. No notable changes.
-vileplume line
+4 jirachi/unown r
+twins(if you chose jirachi)
+pokemon rescue(if you chose unown r)
-twin(if you chose unown r)

you should worry on speed and sableye would help up to you since pokerescue is an item card thats all i see,too you dont need spiritomb since you run an 4-4 cincinno thats all i see
Everybody who said trainer lock doesnt work: Donk decks are gonna be tier 1. Trainer lock is to make sure I have an easier matchup.

Flamemaster: But what do I take out ._.
^Donk decks will be dead. April 25th marks the official rules changing when B&W comes out. You'll no longer be able to get a stage 2 pokemon set up on turn 1, so any donk decks will have to be based around basics and/or Seeker abusal. Uxie & Shuppet are going to get rotated, so I'm pretty sure that eradicates all basic donk decks(although I could have missed some).

-2-2-2 Vileplume
+ 2-2 Ninetales
+ 1 Twins(running just one is pointless...you'll never draw into it.)
+ 1 Blackbelt(this is more of just filler, since I honestly don't know what else to add that's not a trainer)
Also, Upper energy is sort of a dead card since the reprinting of DCE. I get what you're trying to do, though. Essentially run 6 DCE. Not sure it's worth it, since if you're not losing it only provides {C}.
Tyraniking said:
LOL! This is for this format brah. Sabledonk will be HUGE.

Not 100% sure how Sabledonk works, since I've never faced it. Doesn't it rely on your opponents starting Pokemon having 50 or less HP?
I don't think this deck really needs a trainer lock, I would recommend increasing speed and swarming.
-2-2-2 Plume
-4 Tomb
-2 Bebe's
-3 Copycat
-2 Upper

+4 Sableye
+3 Communication
+1 Lux ball
+3 Sp. Dark
+4 Drawer
+1 Uxie
+1 Judge

Sableye is just because it's so good you may as well put it in everything. 3 Judge cuz it's also good in anything that can set up off of 4 cards.

@XFlamemasterX: 70 or less, because it uses expert belt. And that's 70 or less after Crobats.
well its like uxie donk only better lol.

Sableye works i guess...i mean at least i wont for sure be donked.
XFlameMasterX said:
Tyraniking said:
LOL! This is for this format brah. Sabledonk will be HUGE.

Not 100% sure how Sabledonk works, since I've never faced it. Doesn't it rely on your opponents starting Pokemon having 50 or less HP?


J-wittz has a Sableye start vs Garchomp C, Garchomp C and Ambipom G (a set of very high HP basics) and proceeds to end the game turn1 after drawing his entire deck (literally) and dealing 90 damage to kill an active garchomp with poketurns alone, KO'ing a garchomp with Sableye's overconfident with a belt (1 damage counter on garchomp) and seekering the opponent forcing them to pick up ambipom.