Well, I have no place to speak on the anatomy when it comes to non-humans, but I can talk about humans.
You draw the face very well. Everything is nicely expressed with the eyes, mouth, and nose, and the story can easily be told besides the lines not being as clean as usual.
However, there could be some improvements with the body. Her waist and shoulders are twisted in an odd and slightly unnatural way. Unfortunately this is a very fragile ratio, which many artists struggle with. The hands are okay, but again twisted, and the shape of the fingers could be studied more.
Overall, you draw everything well, it just ends up being the wrong size. Don't ever feel down about your talent though, I like your work very much, but like all things I see, there are things that can be improved.
Umm...so I hope all my nitpicking wasn't annoying, I like your work, and I hope to see more.