Clash of Legends Box

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Alvin and the Patrats

Egads! An abomination appeared!
Just saw the news story on Bulbapedia - looks good! I'm thinking that these will be great - Legends, Lv. X's - looks good! I'm thinking on getting the Dialga/Palkia one when it comes out, for certain!

(If I missed a thread similar to this, sorry.)
This looks interesting. I can't wait to see what it actually looks like. Although, I'm surprised they didn't release the Shiny versions of Dialga, Palkia, Groundon, Kyogre, Deoxys, and Rayquaza.

EDIT: @Azelf Master~ It says $14.99
I hope the Lv.Xs aren't illegal like the SW Entei, Raikou, and Suicune from the tins. I also wonder if they are going to use the regular Lv.X artwork, use the ones from the tins (except Cressy), or make completely new artwork.
Woah. I can't wait for this. A JUMBO LEGEND card? I'll buy both (I collect LEGEND cards) Plus, I know someone who will be very happy with legal Darkrai and Cresselia Lv.X's.
I think I'm missing something here, what are these Lv X's going to be based off? I assume it would probably be the Great Encounters Lv Xs.
Palkia G and Dialga G Lv.X? 4 packs, two oversized LEGEND Cards? 14.99? Definitely worth it considering the price of the cards.
I'm going to buy them both! Why haven't we heard this on PokeBeach yet? Can't wait to get 'em. Late November you say? I see a Clash of Legends Box Christmas present in my future...
I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. Seriously. Palkia G X AND Dialga G X for 14.99 AND 4 packs AND a jumbo Legend? I'm saving up. I'm gonna buy like, 10, then trade the DGX and PGX away or sell them. Are you sure it's gonna have DGX and PGX and not just some random Dialga X and Palkia X from GE?
Oh my Arceus (<It seems right on a Pokemon forums...) when I saw the Dialga G Lv.X I nearly had a heart attack. Let's see, $30 for DGX, $10 for PGX, and maybe $20 for the Legend, that box is worth $60. Is P!P! out of their mind!!! Even if they are, better for us! *Greedy*

EDIT: Oh. Didn't see that Tyraniking used heart attack in the post right before me. Coincidence FTW!
That picture with the PGX and DGX doesn't even look real.

1) It's on tinypic which means someone could just create it and upload it.
2) Why are the LEGENDs blurred when the Lv.Xs aren't?

But if it is real then I'd buy a couple just for the Lv.Xs not to mention it comes with 4 packs.
I'm not believing that image. Why would they release two legal sp lv. x's for 14.99€ and just one of them is already more expensive than that? They must be the GE Lv. X's. I'll wait until an official image is leaked. Still, for a collector like me, it'll be cool, cuz If I buy the two boxes, I'll get the 4 lv.x's of GE just like that.
It wouldn't make sense for them to release cards that you can't play in modified though. As good as the Dialga and Palkia G Lv X's are, unless they give them new art and a promo number we wouldn't be able to play the Great Encounters ones.

Also, if it is Great Encounters ones, that'll be I think the 3rd time Dialga Lv X has been rereleased if I'm right. It's had two tins!
@ Jelze: Yeah well, they did release Rotom Foil Suicune/Entei/Raikou from Secret Wonders in the Fall 2010 tins, so your argument is flawed... that is, they may release Dialga LV.X and Palkia LV.X, even though they're rotated out.

However, they might actually rerelease Dialga LV.X and Palkia LV.X with a Promo number, as you said, and made them part of the current rotation.

They won't give us any new art, since the Japanese version of Dialga/Palkia LV.X only had 2 versions (Promo and Non-Promo).

And I won't believe that image until it's been actually confirmed. Rumors mean nothing.
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