Claydoll ex PK


veteran in game
Ok first of all I think that ti is a veryy playable card beats the current lvx Electrivire lucario darkray with lake bounadary can beat a mario easily
goodvs dark pokemon
can take out the resistance of metal pokemon
The current LVL X line-up is WAY more pathetic than the current ex line-up, so no problems there...
Then again, it's still one of the worst exes in the game. It might beat Mario some time(and get Revenged next turn for 2 prizes ftl) and the change to Fighting can come in handy too, but the HP and the pretty low damage make it an easy target. Unless it can setup and start disrupting dem energies, then he has the potential to become A Beast, I suppose I can promise you that. But there aren't that many energy disrupting things to support him in the current format, so he seems a bit out of place. Therefore, he won't see much play this format either. This + Mr. Mime could be/have been a nice combo tho...
120 is actually high for being a stage 1, so that's okay. It really is playable. (P) and (F) are huge common weakness, and crystal shard allows for 3 different type possiblities. Plus the second attack works well with Mime and Lugia. Way underrated.
Magic Umbreon said:
120 is too low considering it's an ex. Way too slow and Empoleon vulnerable.

soryy but you are worong check the most of the exx 1 stage are 90 100 110 120 130 ( with out counting wailord ex )
so i think that it ok.

and mario i really prefer lost 1 line of Pokémon to 2 lost lines
Yes! I just pulled one the other day! Very nice card, only 2 of any Nergy for 1st attack, and Type Shift PWNS. Great card=Great Results.
It is a great card but 60 base damage is not so great...

If it was 70 or 80 base damage then it might be ok...
120HP for an -ex is too low to be playable. If it's the highest for a stage 1 ex then deduce I am declaring all "up front attacking" stage 1 exs unplayable.

Being high for a stage 1 ex doesn't make it playable. There are too many fast damage options available on non-exs that it doesn't compare.
Krucifier said:
It is a great card but 60 base damage is not so great...

If it was 70 or 80 base damage then it might be ok...

Play Lake Boundary w/ Type Shif on those pesky Lucarios, Machamps and Electivires. OHKO's them.
Dudeman1993 said:
Krucifier said:
It is a great card but 60 base damage is not so great...

If it was 70 or 80 base damage then it might be ok...

Play Lake Boundary w/ Type Shif on those pesky Lucarios, Machamps and Electivires. OHKO's them.

What about Inferncatty? What about R-Gon? What about Magmortar? What about Kricketune? What about Speed Spread? What about all the other viable deck choices?

Just because Claydol can OHKO Mario and Electivires, it does crap all against all the other decks.
infercatty can ohko the cattys r gon is useless mag motar more less and clay doll is a suporter Pokémon it isnt used by main .
The only problem with dol ex, was that it was overhyped. Mortar and R-Gon would be problematic. But Salamence ex d DF OWNs Mortar and Infern with Weakness. R-Gon is just a beast, and you have to get lucky. I saw a skilled player, play Gatr MT, Glalie MT and Dos MT and beat an R-Gon (the best R-gon player I've ever seen, beat by a stratless deck 0.o)

Stupid R-Gon. Claydol ex would've been better last season. Shame Lugia SD wasn't out last season, or Starmie DX in this season.
Magic Umbreon said:
120HP for an -ex is too low to be playable. If it's the highest for a stage 1 ex then deduce I am declaring all "up front attacking" stage 1 exs unplayable.
Rayquaza Ex doesn't agree. Mightyena Ex doesn't agree. Crawdaunt Ex doesn't agree. Delcatty Ex doesn't agree. Mew Ex doesn't agree. Latios Ex doesn't agree.

Then again, each of those have more strategies around them. Mightyena in disruption, Crawdaunt in bench manipulation, Delcatty we all know, Mew with disruption cards, Latios with Latias, Rayquaza with Delta...and THAT is what Claydol lacks.

Claydol on its own isn't a bad card by any means. It is nasty against decks abusing Casty, DRE, Scramble and stuff like that. HOWEVER, If I want something anti-special-energy that hits for 60, I would opt for MT Typhlosion. Sure its a stage 2 but it has more benefits to it in its firestarter.
I use Claydol ex PK as a tech. I don't think that on its own will do well against all those speedy decks like the Krucifier guy said.