Friend Code: 2638-0966-9027 (ign click)
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone: Pacific
Times Available: Usually in the mornings around 9 and the evenings around 8 but message me and I can try to be available
Level ball: Mankey, Swinub
Moon ball: Abra, Gastly, Houndour, Ralts, Zubat
Fast ball: Elekid
Heavy ball: Larvitar, Skarmory, Snorlax
Dream ball: Drifloon, Eevee, Riolu, Snorunt
Special ball females I don't have. I will trade one for one.
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone: Pacific
Times Available: Usually in the mornings around 9 and the evenings around 8 but message me and I can try to be available
Level ball: Mankey, Swinub
Moon ball: Abra, Gastly, Houndour, Ralts, Zubat
Fast ball: Elekid
Heavy ball: Larvitar, Skarmory, Snorlax
Dream ball: Drifloon, Eevee, Riolu, Snorunt
Special ball females I don't have. I will trade one for one.