Clue to TCG set on movie?


turned into butterfly man
Okay..i just got through watching the rise of darkrai,which was released sometime around the time of great the movie,i noticed that the big stonme statue that the oracion music disc was on had a leafeon and glaceon and garchomp and you think that this was an intentional clue to the majestic dawn set?
Hm. I've seen the movie, but I didn't really pay attention.

Have you seen any other clues in previous movies? For example, in the prince of the sea, which was released a month or two before GE, were there any clues as to Dialga, Palkia, Cresselia, and Darkrai being in the Lv.X's?
abaxter94 said:
Hm. I've seen the movie, but I didn't really pay attention.

Have you seen any other clues in previous movies? For example, in the prince of the sea, which was released a month or two before GE, were there any clues as to Dialga, Palkia, Cresselia, and Darkrai being in the Lv.X's?
I havn't seen the movie, but it does sound like a clue to MD. *slaps forehead* I hope that this doesn't start a bunch of noobs saying "In Movie 14 Ash was wearing purple underwear, so we will be seeing a Chatot Lv. X !"
