Pokemon: 15
Use Pokemon Collector and Smeargle to get Celebi Prime and use it's power for energy acceleration for Mewtwo EX and Tornadus. Using Garbodor to shut off abilities such as Pyroar's and Suicune.
Reformatted your list to follow Deck Garage rules. Please use the format provided for you when creating a new thread in the Deck Garage. Thanks! --Mora
3x Celebi Prime
3x Mewtwo EX
3x Tornadus (LT)
2x Smeargle (Portrait)
2x Trubbish
2x Garbodor (Garbotoxin)
4x Dual Ball
1x Computer Search
4x Junk Arm
1x Switch
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Muscle Band
3x Float Stone
3x Skyarrow Bridge
2x Professor's Letter
2x Lysandre
2x N
3x Professor Juniper
2x Colress
4x Double Colorless Energy
8x Grass Energy
Use Pokemon Collector and Smeargle to get Celebi Prime and use it's power for energy acceleration for Mewtwo EX and Tornadus. Using Garbodor to shut off abilities such as Pyroar's and Suicune.
Reformatted your list to follow Deck Garage rules. Please use the format provided for you when creating a new thread in the Deck Garage. Thanks! --Mora