Coin flips


Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Advanced Member
Do you guys think it would be a good idea if they created a card that allowed you to influence coin flips to be heads? Such as:

Celibi LV.X
Poke-Power Time Reversal
At any time when you flip a coin. If the result is tails, discard two cards from your hand. Then ignore the result, and reflip.

Or something on that basis.
Zyflair said:
Do you guys think it would be a good idea if they created a card that allowed you to influence coin flips to be heads? Such as:

Celibi LV.X
Poke-Power Time Reversal
At any time when you flip a coin. If the result is tails, discard two cards from your hand. Then ignore the result, and reflip.

Or something on that basis.

HH, smth like a mamoswine attack, yeah, it would be cool
I like the idea on paper. Yet when in play there would be too many ways to abuse this. Lv.MAX? TSD? Night Pokemon Center? All of these cards and others would become rather broken and annoying. Not to mention the stalling. Having to contemplate whether to discard or not isn't an easy choice. With a card like that, the time limit would really have to be extended. Also this would lead to the most annoying Blissey+Paralyzing Basic Pokemon ever. You couldn't attack and your opponent would just be charging a Bliss on bench to come sweep. No hope, ever.
Zone auto-paralyzes, and I've seen it with Blissey. Counters:
Dawn Stadium
Double Full Heal
Warp Point

The idea is cool, and Alakazam can also discard 2 cards. The time limit works fine with him. As long as you couldn't use the power more than once, it would be fair.
Yet coin flips have a tendency to be a lot stronger. Pinsir, guaranteed 100 for 2? Night Pokemon Center, 2 cards discarded for a Full Restore? And those are the simplest things to come by.
In short, no, it would be freaking broken.
A double coin flip usually means that you would have to reflip for success. Discarding 2 cards every two turns for 100 damage is ridiculous. Night Pokemon Center, however, is definitely a concern if that card accidentally popped up. You guys make an excellent point about the uses though.

Poke Ball becomes a combination of Felicity's (the discarding) and Bebe's search (any Pokemon) with this LV.X. Oh well, I was annoyed at coin flips lately and decided to ask if it's worth it to make it easier.

Apparently not.

Celebi23 said:
The idea is cool, and Alakazam can also discard 2 cards. The time limit works fine with him. As long as you couldn't use the power more than once, it would be fair.
Main problem is that you can, with the wording I've used. It's at any time you flip a coin.

I tired.
It shouldn't be always heads. Lots of cards would get very overpowered, Gengar is the first one I can think of.
But a second coin flip sounds reasonable, YGO has a similar card (without any drawbacks, making it quite good). Should be a Stadium card though, so your opponent can do it as well. Call it Rocket's (fine, Galactic's) Casino or something. And yes, some cards are just too broken with the flip as the only drawback, so we'll have to wait until next format.
Right. And Night PC etc. require 2 flips, and this power could only be used once.
^I know, I read your whole post. But your first line implied that (influence = changing the outcome to your liking), so I figured I'd note it anyway.
Oh, and on a side note, there's still Unown E's attack, changing all coin flips to tails during the opponent's next turn. This attack implies that there might come more of this forecasting business in our TCG.
I agree with Lou Cypher. The phrase "freaking broken" sounds about right. Heatran Lv. X already scares me with the "treat all coin flips as tails" thing. SF Steelix could kill anything. O_O

Oh, you have a Wailord? No problem!
Unown E is suck and it cost attack so it's unusable. If it's pokepower, it will have chance to be used.
I'm thinking staraptor SF will be broken with pokepower like that.
One reflip. Steelix SF wouldn't be broken. Here's how this would work:
Flip tails with Steelix.
Discard 2 cards from hand.
Flip again.

This doesn't guarantee anything. I have flipped 6 tails in a row of a Time Skip and still come back.
One reflip would be nice. Another 50/50 chance of hitting again. You would see it alot though.