CoL RH Energies


Rebecca Black <3
Does anyone know the pull rate for these. I heard from a TO who opened 2 boxes today that he didn't pull a single one. I have heard one per box at the most. Yesturday I traded for like 5 of them and people were valuing them at about $10 each today.

Does anyone have a pull rate on the "shinies" as well?
Shinies are about 2-3 per box. Energy I think is 1-2 per box from what it seemed at my prereleases so far.
alright, thanks I only need deoxys and lugia shiny now. My question was answered, so you can close the thread now if you want
Umm, not necessary, for the RH energy. I bought a box and got three of them. One of my friends, who also bought a box, got five of them AND got three shiny Pokemon. I only had two shiny Pokemon in my box. :\ But yeah, I think the RH energy are just random.
The rarity is common, but I think it's weird that they are harder to get. I have 2, traded for one and pulled the other at my prerelease.
Yeah, Shinies are 2 per box, and Energy is 2-3 per box. Also, Lost World is 2-3 per box.
Any Judge for the event gets a share of a box I think. At my league each of the 2 judges got about 18 packs.
The TO buys the boxes from Pokemon with their own money and then runs the Prerelease and gets to keep the profit, therefore, they can get boxes early.. at least thats what i heard
also people that judge prereleases get a half a box just for taking the time to judge.
No, a judge of a prerelease doesn't have to get anything to judge. It is up to the to what they get if any
Wow. You guys are lucky. We only got two in ours. :(

And if you judge, you get a half of a box, or 18 packs.
Actually it's based on your TO's discretion, I believe. Here, head judges get 18, but regular judges only get 9.
in my area i believe all judges get 1/2 of a box.
also Energies are random, shinies are 2-3 per box and LW are random. Holos seem to be hard to pull as well.