Discussion Colinsville Playtesting


Aspiring Trainer
With colinsville coming up I thought that it would be a great idea to start a testing group to playtest on tcgone.net. The group would be on discord.

If there are any queries feel free to ask them and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I too will be competing at the upcoming Collinsville Regional tournament. The newest set released will be tournament-legal then. What are your thoughts regarding some of the "top" decks we'll encounter there?
I too will be competing at the upcoming Collinsville Regional tournament. The newest set released will be tournament-legal then. What are your thoughts regarding some of the "top" decks we'll encounter there?
Malamar (regular and Ultra), ZoroRoc, PikaZek, ZapdosJirachi seem like safe bets, with a smattering of Blacephalon, ZoroDeciTales, various spread/shrine, seem most likely.

I'd happily do some playtesting, but I don't use TCGOne, only on PTCGO.
I too will be competing at the upcoming Collinsville Regional tournament. The newest set released will be tournament-legal then. What are your thoughts regarding some of the "top" decks we'll encounter there?
Well we will have to wait till Oceania internationals to see what the meta shapes up to but
What snoopy said will probably be correct
blacephalon,pikarom,malamar,Zororoc will be top decks
I don't think zapados jirachi will be as good because of the prominence of alolan muk in the meta.
they could play wobbefet LOT but that would turn off their koko*