Coming Back Casually After a Long Hiatus


Aspiring Trainer
Hey so not really sure where to start, some quick history i guess. Started playing the Games and TCG with the old 2 player set that came with Machamp and Red respectively. Collected and played right up though Neo Discovery then left for Yugioh & MTG but have been playing the video games non stop.

And now i am looking to get back into the tcg casually to play and collect. I have a vague idea on where id like to start deck wise but i don't even know if the deck can still be made. Back in the day i used to play Raindance a lot and would like to play something similar if possible. That or something with either electric or dark focus. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance. :)
Currently there are two formats in the 2016 Rotation - the Expanded (BW-on) and Standard (XY-on) - [link]. Effectively extra sets are legal in Expanded but not in Standard. This, of course, will affect the deck that you choose. Overall there are two Raindance decks. The first is a Blastoise (for [W] types) and the second is a Magnezone (for [L] types), however the former is much, much more viable in the current format due to the amount of support it has. In fact, it won the World Championships for 2015! Here's a link to the winning list (for 2015 Standard), while a link here to a Top 2 deck in 2016 Expanded.