Coming Back Into Competitive TCG


Centipede / Eyepatch
Hey everyone! I started playing Pokemon TCG at the beginning of HGSS, and fell in love. Unfortunately last year I had to move away from the league I regularly joined, but I wanted to join a new one where I moved too. Unfortunately, I was astonished as to how unprofessionally run it was in comparison to my last one, and honestly just didn't want to go anymore. I stopped playing right after the Plasma Blast pre-release, and now I am thinking about finding a different league near my area and starting up again. My big question is, its been an entire season, some new rules and sets have been put into the game, so what do I need to know? (Top decks would help a lot!)

TL;DR: I have not played since Plasma Blast and what to get back into competitive TCG, what do I need to know?
Cool. Study up on these sets: Legendary Treasures, XY, Flashfire, Furious Fists, and (don't have to yet) Phantom Forces. Now is a good time to start playing, as the '14-'15 season is just beginning. Good luck on finding a league!

Top Decks:
Yveltal EX/Yveltal XY/Garbodor DRX
Seismitoad EX/Garbodor variants (Yveltal, Fighting, Victini, Mewtwo, Pyroar)
Virizion EX/Gensect EX (optional Beartic FUF)
Fighting variants

then there are these which are sorta popular

Pyroar FLF variants
Aromatisse XY variants
Plasma variants

Format is BCR-on, some tourneys or parts of tourneys use the expanded BLW-on format. Staples are N, Juniper, Ultra Ball, Muscle Band, Colress, Skyla, Switch, most of which you're probably familiar.

Sites like are useful, and if you're really serious (and can afford it) their Underground is top-notch. Poking around online can be really useful too.