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Competitive Fairy Deck (Xerneas EX / Mewtwo EX / Aromatisse / Swirlix)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello guys, I have a competitive fairy deck that I have created and most of the time it is successful, but I would like to hear input from others on what I should or could do to improve my deck. It actually revolves around XerneasEX, I will list the current deck below:


  • 2 Xerneas EX
    2 Mewtwo EX
    2 Xerneas
    2 Spritzee
    2 Aromatisee
    1 Jigglypuff
    2 Wigglytuff
    2 Swirlix
    2 Slurfpuff
    1 Florges EX

  • 2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    3 Professor Sycamore
    3 Shauna
    2 Tierno
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 AZ
    2 Fairy Garden
    2 Evosoda
    1 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Master Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    1 Hard Charm
    2 Muscle Band

  • 12 Fairy Energy
    2 Double Colorless

Please share on how I can better my deck! Or even how you go about with your deck! Thanks!

Modified to coincide with Deck Garage rules. --Mora
Cut the Tiernos and Wigglytuff line, I'd fill it with a fourth Professor Sycamore to get more draw support, two more fairy garden so you can guarantee you are going to get free retreat, and another Xerneas XY
It'd add more consistency to the deck with a higher chance of starting with Xerneas to power up other attackers.