Ruling Confusion Question


PMD5 when
I was playing a game with my friend and their active Pokémon was confused. I used the Sparkle attack (Diancie PHF) . When they used an attack, we decided Sparkle Flip, Confusion flip. What is the correct order?

From the Compendium:

Q. My Koffing used its "Smokescreen" attack on the Defending Pokemon which was already Confused. If that Pokemon attacks during my opponent's next turn, do they flip 2 coins and the attack fails if both coins aren't heads?
A. No, your opponent must flip each coin separately. First, flip a coin for the effect of Smokescreen; if the flip is tails the attack ends. If the first flip is heads, then flip a second time for the effect of Confusion. (GS:Heart Gold/Soul Silver FAQ; Feb 11, 2010 PUI Rules Team)

What you were doing is the correct order. While this question is somewhat dated, all rulings regardless of age are still valid unless the rules are changed. In this situation, you still flip for a "Smokescreen" effect like Sparkle before flipping for Confusion.
Update: As of the latest edition of the Compendium, this ruling has been changed. Here is the new ruling:

Q. If a Gloom Confused you, and next turn a Magmar Smoke Screened you, do you flip for Confusion or Smokescreen first?
A. Checking for Confusion should be the very first thing you deal with after announcing what attack you want to use. So as soon as you announce your attack, the check for Confusion happens immediately. If that passes, then you flip for Smokescreen's effect. (Jul 13, 2000 WotC Chat, Q328; Sep 25, 2014 TPCi Rules Team; Jan 7, 2016 TPCi Rules Team)