Congrats dragonexpert!

Congratulations dragonexpert, Your hard work has been rewarded.
Well, you started talking to me about all of this codes and stuff and I kinda knew that you would make it. Then I saw Spoon get de-modded, so...

I've seen you work up the ranks from a mudkip, and I have to say, I agree with every choice to promote you. Good Luck!
DE became a normal Mod after the Mods from the Moderator Applications were promoted.
Just found out anyway, but thanks, regardless. A lot of good mods, came from those applications, and it just goes to show that, he became a super moderator, after a normal one, under 6 months, which means, that he truly deserves it.

But why did Heavenly Spoon, get de-modded?

SR edit: If you want to know, ask them.
Fantastic job, DE. I always knew it was coming. You totally deserve it. Good luck with your new position. I know you'll make the beach an even better place!
Its funny I said that you were going to be the next Super Mod to my friend LORDY JONES, and that was yesterday. Congrats on the promotion, and I have to say, your name looks great in Pink.