Blog Consistency Vs. Tech: Strategies on Deck Building

Great article! I have always used the first method you hit on. I will definitely try the second method for my next deck idea!
I always use the second method. Unfortunately when my deck list is all done and I have a perfect list of 60 cards. I forgot something really important like Ultra Ball or VS Seeker, and then I'm still wondering what to cut. I'm personally a fan of techs, consistency is overrated :p

Anyway, nice article. I love the fact that I could read it to the end.
I love very tedious deck list. The more complicated it is, the better it is for me. I love options! The problem with the game is its soooooooooooo simplified to the point that running anything other than 4 of everything in the deck is too strong. The game rewards reckless play and not skill based play.