Wi-Fi Trades COSMOEM Trade for Other Game's Legendary


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, as I like to have every legendary Pokemon with my name as OT and the nature and IVs that I want, I would like to trade Cosmoem with someone that has Pokemon Sun so that he/she can evolve it into Solgaleo and trade it back to me after. I could do the same with your Cosmoem if you want to get Lunala. Please leave a comment if someone trustworthy would like to help me (and maybe help themselves) achieve their goal of having the other game's legendary Pokemon with the stats and nature they want
If you are willing to wait a little while, I would be more than happy to help you.
I own Moon as well, so I will not be needing that.
Ho ok, so I will level up my cosmog to lvl 52 and trade it to you with a rare candy so myou can use it and evolve it to solgaleo and trade it back. Do you know when you would be available?
Go into the festival plaza, then select trade. Select who you would like to trade with (My IGN is Brayden by the way)