Could Giratina VSTAR Come Back for the World Championships?


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time, I discussed Iron Thorns ex and how it was about to go from a forgotten quantity to one of the most successful cards at the North America International Championships. In that article, I discussed Quad Iron Thorns ex and Iron Hands ex / Iron Crown ex both of which saw high success at NAIC with high counts of Iron Thorns ex. The card also saw some success at lower counts, like as a one-of in Andrew Hedrick’s Lost Zone deck, which he used to win the event, as well as in Ian Robb’s 19th-place...

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"Regidrago VSTAR is able to copy Trifrost even if you have not used a Colress’s Experiment, so having it in the discard pile really does not change much."
this is wrong having colress in the discard goes from them having to completely re-set up a regi to being able to bench the kyurem and spam trifrost for only one energy