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Counter EX (Lugia EX/Registeel EX/Klinklang)



this deck has 2 versions btw other version im working on it

pokemon 10
2 lugia ex
2 registeel ex
2 klink
2 klang
2 klingklang(half deck)

trainers 32
4 corles machine
4 n
4 catcher
4 communication
4 cheren
4 energy retrieval
4 juniper
4 super rod

10 metal energy
4 plasma energy
4 dce

strategy:phase 1: get klinglang on the bench and have registeel ex as your active
and whith klingklangs ability registeel is invincible against ex's
srategy: phase 2:as soon as registleel is knockd out use lugia ex and the extra prize card
remember knocking out an ex is 3 prizes!!!!
Why 4 super rod and 4 retreival?
you really don't need retrieval in this deck and you just need 1 super rod. It can be paired up really well with klinklang bw and cobalion to counter sigilyph. Also try cutting your energy line by 2. Heavy ball works better in this deck. Skyla will help you get easier heavy ball, rare candy and all you need. Add also computer search in any deck that has since Freeze bolt/Cold Flare. You may cut your cheren line. Lugia EX is not too compatible with this deck. So cut Lugia EX and colress machine. Add the new stadium and Colress.

-4 retreival
-3 super rod
-1 klang
- 2 metal energy
-4 communication
-1 or 2 Cheren
- 2 Lugia EX
- 4 Colress machine
-21 or 22

+ 1-0-1 klinklang (bw klinklang)
+ 2 Cobalion
+ 3 rare candy
+ 1 registeel EX
+ 4 Heavy ball
+ 3 Skyla
+ 1 Computer search
+ 2 Plasma Frigate
+ 3 or 4 Colress
+ 21 or 22