Counter VileGar: HELP


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys... I'm testing a Machamp deck, and, although Regice and 4 Collectors, I'm not able to win against VileGar.
Can you suggest me some techs to counter this deck?
I thought about Umbreon, but it will die with Fainting Spell or Gengar will destroy my bench... so I let it go.
I thought about Shedinja, the same problem as Umbreon, and I don't play any Crobats, too.

Help me guys!

It's very simple just run a 3-3 Mightyena PL line with 2 skuntank G because it is a lot easier to lose an energyless stage one than something that needs setup like umbreon.
Nah, I need something faster and that hurts less the consistency (however, thank you).
some people try running ditto LA with rainbows in the deck, it does work most of the time. Having a damage counter on 1 or 2 pokemon from using rainbow energy can also work in your favor if you bring back a game with fighting tag using machamp prime in your deck. Ditto LA can copy any gengar active with shadow room, avoiding both feinting spell and rescue energy effect
^Thats hurtful. Growing stronger has nothing to do with beating vilegar. That decks at pain.

^^I like that idea.

Mainly, Vilegar loses if you break the trainer lock. What helps is Dialga G Lv.X, but you may not want that. What you may want is a ERL. That tends to kinda destroy Vilegar. That and Roserade GL. Just run Crobat G or PlusPower. Then you can manipulate when Gengar dies from poison. Or, (this probably won't work in your deck), but if you find a way to tech in a few Psycic Energy, Drifblim FB can also snipe Vileplume from the bench.
I've tried a few techs. If you're playing an SP list that doesn't tech against other decks, then Dialga G X is a decent choice.
If you're not playing SP, then you shouldn't have that many trainers in your deck in the first place, unless it's a crazy speed donk deck or something.

I personally teched out against a lot of decks in my LuxChomp, and I found one tech that works vs. both Vilegar and Lostgar: Banette PL. You can use his power to discard all trainers/Pokemon you can't play anyway. Then, it will probably get Shadow Roomed. So
1) you made both their Poltergeist and Hurl into Darkness worthless
2) you made them waste their turn by taking down a harmless bench sitter
And if they don't get rid of it, you can just move 8 damage counters from Banette onto their Gengar for 1 energy. Not too shabby.

Of course, playing Ambipom G + Crobat G + DCE and grabbing early Spiritomb KOs is good versus trainer lock as well. Teching against it is more suitable if you fear mid-late game.

Since you're playing Machamp, I don't see why you're complaining. Gengar is Machamp's one bad matchup, in exchange you have a TON of favourable ones.
Tech these two cards.
Then either run cyrus chain with 2 dark/2 psychic, or run 4 rainbow.
