The biggest problem is what can counter GG that can also counter the other heavily used deck in format? Before you ask what that is, it is Blissey and its many varients.
Holon WP DESTROYS Gallade and so does holon FF
WP only stops the first effect of Gallade. He'll still walk right through your defenses and eat you apart with Psychic Cut, so its almost a waste to play it against him. Its great against Banette, but not so much against Gallade.
FF is not worth playing as a counter to Gallade. Blissey still dies in one hit to Psy cut. Weak means nothing.
I do not think the counter is currently in format right now. It will be coming soon and in the form of Cresselia.
Why? Because it forces the prize tradeoff in your favor. It turns Gallade into something that it should be. (An EX pokemon) and in that source, makes him that much more reasonable to come back from. The biggest problem with Gallade is that the early game attack forces the loss of a fully charged anything (Be it Empoleon, Flygon EX, Magmortar, Blissey, or what have you.) and you are at an immediate disadvantage and have to recover. Banette is good against it for a few reasons.
- Its primary attack costs no energy, so you can charge up an attacker on the bench while you force the Gallade to kill you off.
- It turn 2's and has the potential to win on that turn off a very lucky start. (I've done it before.)
- You can open on a Gallade by putting 3 on with Ghost Head, force him to be unable to use Sonic Blade to gust you out and then clip him with the additional 4 next turn.
- 7 DC's puts him in the range of any finishing attack. 130 HP's is almost undoable with a lot of Psy types and you won't always be guaranteed an early Lake Boundary.
- 2nd Attack CAN OHKO Gallade with Boundary and only for 2 energies.
Banette is the ideal GG killer. The problem is it is too weak on its own to deal the killing blow, and Gardevoir can allow the deck to recover faster than Banette can finish it off. When Cresselia hits format, or even Arbok and Weezing (Arbok can deal some pretty wicked early damage) hit format, GG will be a little bit more tame.
Clefable and Metronome works too if people aren't expecting the Boost energy to kill. XD
Mismagius is a great counter because it can OHKO a Gardevoir and OHKO Gallade with PlusPower
I concur. One of my friends is running Magius at this current moment and its doing him well against that matchup. Its another good card to combo with Banette.
Flygon ex d is so efficient against krow an gardelade so thats my best way to koing decks like that
Actually.. Its probably one of the less efficient decks to play against GG. One psy cut (regardless of the fact that you're drawing out almost every prize over) gives your opponent wicked prize advantage.
And why Claydol with it? Because it takes care of Blissey as well. Its risky, but with it , I can manage.