Discussion Cramorant V Deck (Post Rotation)


Aspiring Trainer

[C] Beak Catch
Search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them in your hand. Then, shuffle your deck
[C][C][C] Spit Shot
Discard all Energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 160 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon).

This is a card that I believe could dominate the metagame if played in it's own deck, not just as a 1-of tech. 160 damage 2-shots most Vmax cards, and OHKO's a Dedenne-GX. Cramorant's first attack almost guarantees a good setup, and it has access to Toughness Cape. There is so much potential here to work with! Welder, Rillaboom, Porygon-Z. Any ideas?
I’m sorry to say but this won’t be it’s own meta deck. You missing the big picture on how weak Cramorant’s attack is compared to the meta. Yes it is a 2hko on 3 prize Pokémon but most 2-3 prize Pokémon also 2hko 3 prizers also so this isn’t actually an advantage it’s more the bare minimum. However when you also consider that you need to discard 3 energy to do the bare minimum when most other Pokémon don’t have such a heavy cost for the same thing and that 160 can’t OHKO any 2 prizer except for dedenne (while plenty of 2 Prizers can such as Zacian V) then Cramorant is clearly below average as far as attacking is concerned. The only advantage is supposed to be bench sniping but even that isn’t a real plus because every deck functionally do the same thing by just playing Boss’s Order and gusting the target. So every deck already functionally can do Cramorant’s specialty but with less drawbacks and less required support to function
Cramorant is pretty much only good in Welder decks since Welder variants don't readily have access to gusting every turn, and sniping for 160 is really good for math. Its utility more or less ends there. Cramorant won me a cup right before quarantine started, but it was as a one of in FireBox which isn't a good deck anymore. I'm a firm believer that Cram is a good card but as @CrownAxe stated, it does a lot less than other existing attackers if you're building a deck around it.

It's also not like in expanded where you can Spit Shot for 1 attachment on a one prizer while having access to Target Whistle to prey on the same Shaymin/Dede multiple times (referring to Frank Percic's Mew/Cramorant Box list).