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Expanded Crawdaunt/Bunnelby/Sabley Heavy Mill


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys, just a few days ago i discover this super crawdaunt in my collection, i've never consider him after start playing the sabley/bunnelby mill. Is a very reliable deck and works on the biggest part of the palayed match. Once you set up your bench and held a couple of cards in your hand you can totally forgot to draw from the deck.
Here's my list, i hope you'll find good suggestion for trainers or just tacking it as a list to follow in order to own a funny and playable deck.

Pokemon: 13
2x Bunnelby
3x Corphish
3x Crawdaunt
2x Darkrai (Legendary Treasure. Totally prefer her to float stone. )
3x Sabley ( Dark Explorers. )

Trainer: 38

2x Vs Seeker ( to optimize you discards draw with Puzzles. )
2x Battle Compressor
3x Puzzle of Time ( a must have playing Sabley )
3x Devolution Spray ( for your Crawdaunt, excellent in combo with Lysandre or similar. )
4x Level Ball ( except Darkrai, you can pick any pokemon from this list with them. )
3x Hypnotoxic Laser (well.... why not? )
1x Tool Scrapper
2x Super Scoop Up
1x Enhanced Hammer ( for early game or one more shot to your opponent bench. )
2x Ultra Ball
2x Colress
2x Skyla ( you can probably play without her as well )
2x Lysandre
2x N
2x Platan
2x Virbank City Gym
1x Life Dew
2x Head Ringer

8 Dark Energy flat

That's the list i'm playing at the moment. I'm considering about put inside a couple of Trick Shovel and Red Card, but if you don't really care about how much time the match will take, this list run pretty well.

Let me know about your opinion and thanks in advance!

Ptcgo: Pertauro
I just played a deck like this last night. Typically I see a 2-1 or 2-2 line of Garbodor, 4 crushing hammers, and at least 2 trick shovels. The name of the game is energy and prize denial and these cards seem like they are pretty key to making that happen.

That said, I did win the match running a Florges EX / M Gardevoir EX STS / Aromatisse deck (helps that these cards only require a 2 energy investment). I think the main issue with this deck is awareness. I have played against this particular style of deck enough now that I recognized it instantly and went into stall mode right off the bat because I know the deck isn't looking to prize me. Basically, I took my shots when they presented themselves and contented myself to simply sit on my deck until they did. I am pretty sure that game went 20 turns because there is only so much the Sable deck is going to do when the opponent uses the items and passes :)

I say all that as a way of saying that I can see this alternate approach with your deck working. There was absolutely no pressure for me to do anything during that game because the sable player had no way to threaten anything but my deck. The Hypnotoxic + VCG might have been enough for me to take steps to mill through my deck in order to attack more actively.

And yeah, I recognize that you might have an issue running Garb + Craw together. That's what AZ and your scoops are for right? :)
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And yeah, I recognize that you might have an issue running Garb + Craw together. That's what AZ and your scoops are for right?

Garbodor stop Darkrai ability as well, the main counter to him is the tool scapper, which you can find with compressor and use it multiple times with Sabley.
Az and scoop up are mostly to recall wunded pkm or crawdaunt, in case of necessity, or even to free a spot in my bench.
I found out that a good strategy consist into Lysandre a benched opposite with energy and take them off with crawdaunt ability, big energy retrival deck like Xerneas of Volcanion are quite a pain but it still working discarding cards with bunnelby while he draw from it.
Saying that, Hammer and Grunt probably will be the next add next to red card. I'm still working on this list but it seems to me to work pretty effectfully than the regular build.

Every deck as some bad matchups, like Greninja or Fairy/energy deck, but i still find it funny to play with and against, a good test for any new deck.
Thanks for texting me your experience dude :)
Yup! Every deck will suffer some issues :)

The reason I am saying Garb is pretty huge is because that is literally the only way you would beat the deck I listed. It is also the most reliable way to beat any deck using Eels / Bronzong. Because you can't energy deny them effectively using Crawdaunt's ability, you have to stop the energy generating abilities themselves (I have also played Eels against this deck). That said, you could do something similar and spam Hex Maniac against Eels (this would also be effective against Greninja). That would be a one of instead of a 3-4 card line. Seeing how you said you like to sit on your deck a bit and let Sable do it's thing, Hex might be the right solution.
the tricky part is going against decks that have multiple energy acceleration.
eels. Mega Manectric. Xerneas. work in x4 Max Elixir. it becomes very hard to dump energy faster than they can put them on.
and it doesn't take much for opponents to be able to OHKO your pokemon.
especially if they lysandre up a bench pokemon.
I tried similar decks, but could never get it to run consistently. especially without running some Sycamore.