Playing Quad Garchomp against Terrakion Garbodor way back in the day. Dead draw really bad at the start of the match, and he gets Garbodor out, so I can't even Dragon Call to set up Garchomps. My opponent finally N's me, hoping to get stuff to secure the game, but he misses it. I actually have Supporters now, so I start to get set up, but I'm still way behind. At one point, I have to Dragonblade to Knockout his Terrakion EX with 60 on it, and I wind up discarding both Super Rod. I remember thinking I might as well scoop, but I keep playing, and we get down to one prize each, with my opponent having a damaged Terrakion on the Bench, and I somehow draw into my last Catcher, and flip heads for game.
We had a rematch at a League Challenge a while back. I was playing Virizion / Mewtwo with Raichu, and he was playing Miltank / Greninja. I start with Pikachu to his Froakie and go second. I don't have much in my hand, so I attach DCE to Pikachu and hit a Muscle Band off of an N. Use Quick Attack with Pikachu, flip heads, and knock out his only Froakie in play when he would have had turn 2 Greninja. He sends up Miltank and we both race to get set up. I get Virizion out and Emerald Slash a few times. Before it went down, I sent up Pikachu again and used Quick Attack with Laserbank to finish off his Miltank. The only things he had Knocked Out thus far were the two Pikachus. He plays N and says, "If I don't get Greninja, Water Energy, Water Energy, I scoop." He gets it, and OHKO's my Virizion with Miltank. After a few turns of me Knocking Out Miltanks, and retreating into fresh Mewtwos, he N's himself down to two cards, and hits his final Water Energy to Water Shuriken for game.