Creating a strategy...


Aspiring Trainer
Like I have posted before, I am just getting my feet wet with Poke Battles. I am not sure if this is posted in the right area or not. If it is not, feel free to move it wherever it needs to be.

My question is what are the questions you ask yourself when creating a strategy? What do you look for? What do you look at? What do you think about?

I would love to create a killer water deck and am trying to think it through. Any help would be great and appreciated!
Just find a card you like. Look at all the attacks it has and any powers/bodies it has. Then scan though cards and see if any of those cards have a power or attack that combos with it. For instance, empoleon has dual splash, hitting 2 pokemon for 30 each. This is a relatively low damage output, but if used in combination with something like omastar, it can result in multiple KOs, which can cripple an opponet and win. Some decks have very little strategy, such as mario, but any deck can really win.
I would but usually that requires work and working with people, both not my scene.
I appreciate the stuff that you already posted. I still have some questions, but I think I am getting the idea. I have been thinking about a Blastoise (Secret Wonders) and Blissey (Mysterious Treasures) deck. Blastoise's Water Log Poke-Power would help me load up Blissey's Happy Chance attack. How does that sound? Is that in the right direction? Does it make sense?
What you need to look at when trying to get a strategy going is what your style of play is. Are you good at making a come back? Do you like to control your opponent? things like that.

Then you have to learn what is being played around you. You can't build a deck only focusing on the cards you want to play.

What is popular in your area?
What can you do to work against it?

Then you have to focus on the main deck. Pick about to main pokemon that seem to compliment eachother. In this case Blastoise is good for blissey but what can blissey do for Blastoise? Who is the main attacker? Will your pokemon support the deck or will your trainers.

After you have that decided look at techs you can put in. Also look at why you are using them. You can play suicune to get pokemon back or you can play something that works with your deck that may counter the popular decks.

these are the big things that I look at when building a deck.
Spirit of Mew: Great advice and insight! Thanks.

TCG Trader: I guess part of what I need to do is become more and more aware of the different Pokemon available. Togekiss would be great with a Blissey. I just would have never of known that because I didn't know anything about Togekiss. Is there a place that I can go to look at look over different Pokemon and their powers?
The scans, as Chatot Brains mentioned, are indeed a great way to start off.

Now, I saw you want to create a killer Water deck. I'd like you to look at the spoilers of Japan's DP5, Temple of Anger/Cry of the Mysterious, found HERE:

If you look at Kingdra, you'll find that to be a very good card. These cards will be out by August 20 and will be playable from September on, which is when the tournament season picks up again. Kingdra is likely going to be a good investment.

As far as cards that are out now are concerned, the only really good water one right now is Majestic Dawn's Empoleon, when it comes to attackers. Omastar, also from Majestic Dawn, goes well in a lot of decks, and Phione, again from Majestic Dawn, is a good card to start games off with.

But I'd just recommend you take a look through all the English scans of the Diamond/Pearl sets, as well as the one I just linked you to, then you'll know what is playable come next season, and you can work from there.
^Theres plently of good water pokemon out. People are just blind/they don't work in the current metagame. :/
TMSanders316 said:
I appreciate the stuff that you already posted. I still have some questions, but I think I am getting the idea. I have been thinking about a Blastoise (Secret Wonders) and Blissey (Mysterious Treasures) deck. Blastoise's Water Log Poke-Power would help me load up Blissey's Happy Chance attack. How does that sound? Is that in the right direction? Does it make sense?
Thats a very solid idea, though I personally wouldn't recommend it since blissey is more of a "I two shot you, you two shot me, but I swarm better and thus win" pokemon and blastiose is "I jack everything up and say PWND!". HOWEVER, you have a good strategy and should look into other pokemon to use with either of those cards or another. Blissey is usually put with another rusher, usually with less HP, while blastiose should be combined with something like the new gyraods, something big and takes alot of energy but has a high payoff.
Thanks guys! I will look into everything you have recommended. I really appreciate you all helping out a little beginner like myself.