Creating Sabelock & Luxchomp (MD-ON)

Flaming Monkey

Aspiring Trainer
Hey, I just got back into the game by purchasing a booster box of unleashed. Im planning on hunting down a RR booster box even though they are scarce. I was wondering what is a good deck to aim for in MD-ON. Im looking at next season. I was thinking Sabelock, Luxchomp or even trying Donphan. What should my next booster box purchase be if i wanted to go sabelock? RR is obvious for luxchomp. But ya, I wanna be competitive for 2011 and money isnt an issue :). Suggest away!
I say Sablelock to get you back in the game

Because the bulk of the deck is made up on uncommon cards you can easily trade off people.
(Sableye, Honchkrow G, Garchomp C)

And you can get the Garchomp C X from a tin. (which in turn comes with a couple of packs)

If anything you should buy a box of Platinum to get the SP Engine cards.
A nice deck to start with is Kingdra Prime, pretty straight foward deck not too costy and very competitive.
Id say not to start off with luxchomp, its really pretty hard to play. youll never know whether to attatch gain, belt, poketurn, power spray, when to dragon rush and when to bright look. Its a very hard deck to just start playing.
Next format? Gengar Prime all the way. Although its not coming out until cities, it's worth waiting, because everyone the BDIF will be Gengar Prime, Mew Prime. That's the deck in Japan's metagame. Mew Prime and Gengar Prime is the deck to play.