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Crimson Dive (M Charizard EX / Pyroar)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Charizard EX (combustion blast)
    2 M Charizard EX (Fire type)
    3 Litleo
    3 Pyroar (Flashfire)
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Mewtwo EX (may take out since it's not used often)
    1 Keldeo EX

  • 1 Evosoda
    2 Fiery Torch
    4 Professor's Letter
    1 Random Receiver (previously had skyla but hated to wait a turn to use another supporter)
    2 Roller Skates
    1 Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Blacksmith
    1 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    2 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    2 Float Stone
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Protection Cube

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    8 Fire Energy

Main strategy is to get Pyroar out or Charizard-EX out and quickly set up fire energies onto them using a combination of Professor's Letter, Ultra Ball, and Blacksmith in one or two turns and end the game with M-Charizard EX or Pyroar. Mewtwo-EX is there to attack Pokemon with lots of energies but usually ends up dead or not dealing enough damage to one shot them so I may take it out. Keldeo-EX is there to rush in and retreat my pokemon to cure status's or to rush in and stall while I set up a Charizard EX on the bench to mega evolve. Jirachi EX is there to fetch blacksmith or other supporters. Originally had two Skyla but took both out to put a Jirachi EX and a Random Receiver although fetching an Ultra Ball was nice at times.

Evosoda to evolve pokemon quickly, everything else is to help draw quickly or get energy quickly. 2 N's because I usually take a lot of prizes or do not want to help the opponent in anyway most of the time.

I currently have 38 Wins out of 50 in PTCGO with this deck and it usually loses to Blastoise, Beartic, Yveltal decks and decks with a lot of Hypnotoxic Lasers and Virbank Gyms especially if I cannot set up fast enough. I've read suggestions to include bicycles or adding more item draw cards instead of supporter type ones but I do worry about Seismitoad EX. I am also considering taking some trainer cards out to include a 2-0-2 Delphox draw engine to speed up the process since sometimes I do run out of cards quickly or that my opponent used N midgame and leaves me with 4 cards. Leafeon sounds like a good way to deal with Blastoise and Beartic decks and possiblly Yveltal EX although I'm having lots of trouble fitting these cards into a 60 card deck. Also I don't have an ACE spec card yet because I don't know which one to use and I don't have it in the game yet and when phantom forces comes out, I should put in a VS seeker but I don't know what to take out.

Maybe instead of worrying about counters to the deck, I should focus on getting M Charizard EX ready as fast as possible and attack for game? Thanks for the help in advanced. =D
I too run a Charizard-Pyroar deck; following are some comments for your consideration:

  • IMO, M Charizard EX provides little/no added value to your deck other than a bit more HP and massive damage output, BUT at the cost of losing a turn, at least 2 turns to power-up which your opponent will easily see (and can counter), potentially inflict damage onto itself (keep in mind your Protection Cubes can be Megaphoned off before you attack or your opponent could have imposed Item lock upon you).
  • Similarly, Protection Cube does not enhance the deck much at all either.
  • Between the Litleo and the EXs, you really don't have any good "starters." Whatever you may start with, there is a likelihood, that Poké will be heavily damaged (assuming a starting EX Poké) and/or KOd before you setup.
  • There are only 6 total card-draw Supporters in your deck which may be sufficient in your opinion, but they don't seem "balanced" enough nor sufficient, IMO. With the 2 Fiery Torch and the 2 Roller Skates, these Items provide some "potential" (i.e., RS are only 50-50) supplemental card-draw support.
  • Running 4 Blacksmith are excessive, IMO, and will "clog" your deck operations, especially when you may want/need to play a card-draw Supporter during that same turn.
  • Running 4 Ultra Ball are excessive too, IMO. Although you may have used the UBs to dump R energy into your discard, the new Battle Compressor card is better suited for that task.
Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following changes:

  • -2 M Charizard EX - just not worth the aforementioned costs, IMO
    -2 Protection Cube
    -1 Jirachi EX - with improved draw, not really needed vs. having an exposed, easy to KO, 2-prize target on your bench, IMO
    -2 Professor's Letter
    -1 Blacksmith
    -2 Roller Skates / Fiery Torch
    -2 Ultra Ball

    +2 Reshiram (Outrage) - excellent starter and non-EX attacker
    +1 Fiery Torch / Roller Skates
    +2 N
    +1 Colress
    +3 Ht Laser - needed to get to 180 damage for 1HKOs with Charizard EX's Combustion Blast
    +1 Pokémon Fan Club - to help setup your bench
    +1 Battle Compressor - to help get and dump R energy into discard pile
    +1 Lysandre's Trump Card - dependent upon how much of a "speed" deck you want and how quickly you may be drawing through your deck
I hope you find these comments helpful.