So Crimson Invasion as a whole seems to be underwhelming. All of the GXs, besides Buzzwole, seem unplayable from a competitive standpoint. Silvally has potential, but until we get more Memory cards, I just don't see it being too viable at the moment. What I have noticed though is that this set seems to have some decent rogue deck potential. The new Gengar is crazy good, especially if you pair it with it's Creep Show counterpart. I played the new Gengar at a prerelease yesterday and the damage adds up fast. Pair that with Po Town and Espeon EX, and I think you have a really competitive deck. There's also the new Mismagius card that has that Chaos Wheel-type attack. I could see that seeing some play in a fun disruption rogue deck. I can see Gardevoir players trying out Miltank as well. What do you guys think?