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Crobat / Dusknoir


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Zubat (PhF 31)
    4 Golbat (PhF 32)
    4 Crobat (PhF 33)
    2 Duskull (BC 61)
    2 Dusknoir (BC 63)
    2 Wobbuffet (PhF 36)

  • 4 AZ
    4 Super Scoop Up
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    3 Dimension Valley
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Professor Juniper
    4 VS Seeker
    4 Skyla
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Rollerskates
    3 Hard Charm
    3 Rare Candy

  • 4 Mystery Energy
    1 Psychic Energy

Strategy: Get out 4 Crobat, use AZ and Super Scoop up to pick up and re-drop them for damage. Shift damage around with Dusknoir. The deck really revolves around having dimension valley allowing crobat or golbat to attack for no energy. Wobbuffet becomes the heavy hitter in conjunction with Dusknoir. Crobat or Golbat used to spread Damage out and avoid taking hits with free retreat.

Strategies that have been helpful were farming Mewtwo EX with Wobbuffet (Place 4 damage counters, hit for 90 more damage, survive a dce with hard charm, scoop with super scoop up (Preferred) or AZ, repeat)
RE: Crobat/Dusknoir

Welcome to PB, Diluzio!
I suggest lowering one of your cards by one (Sklya?) and putting in another Stadium. Also, Muscle Bands may be better than hard charms to get that damage out there. Also, you are missing the middle stage of Dusknoir, Dusclops, and I could't see any Rare Candy to fill in this gap.
RE: Crobat/Dusknoir

bbninjas said:
Welcome to PokéBeach, Diluzio!
I suggest lowering one of your cards by one (Sklya?) and putting in another Stadium. Also, Muscle Bands may be better than hard charms to get that damage out there. Also, you are missing the middle stage of Dusknoir, Dusclops, and I could't see any Rare Candy to fill in this gap.

Fixed the missing rare candy, I thought I had too much extra room when I was adding TSS.

I've been using the hard charm to make everything last a little longer. Since Crobat's attack places damage counters doesn't that negate muscle bands?
RE: Crobat/Dusknoir

Diluzio91 said:
bbninjas said:
Welcome to PokéBeach, Diluzio!
I suggest lowering one of your cards by one (Sklya?) and putting in another Stadium. Also, Muscle Bands may be better than hard charms to get that damage out there. Also, you are missing the middle stage of Dusknoir, Dusclops, and I could't see any Rare Candy to fill in this gap.

Fixed the missing rare candy, I thought I had too much extra room when I was adding TSS.

I've been using the hard charm to make everything last a little longer. Since Crobat's attack places damage counters doesn't that negate muscle bands?

It's attack does damage:

The ability places damage counters and therefore isn't affected by the muscle band, but the attack is.
RE: Crobat/Dusknoir

Since Crobat and Golbat already do spread damage and only hit for small increments at a time, Dusknoir will be pretty much useless in this deck. Since the amount of damage you will be doing will rarely be enough to KO Pokemon-EX, you will need a good attacker for this deck. Gourgeist XY, Trevenant XY, Skarmory-EX, or Krookodile-EX might be helpful.
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Hard Charm

+2 Dusclops

You want Dusclops so you don't have to rely on rare candy because under item lock you wouldn't be able to get out Dusknoir. Seismitoad EX is a popular deck and shuts off item cards so there should be a way of getting Dusknoir out without trainers.