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Crobat/ERL MD-On


Aspiring Trainer
Elite Member
Advanced Member
So I liked this idea and came up with a rough Pokemon list a couple days ago. I might as well post the whole thing.

Pokemon: 21

4-2-4 Crobat Prime UL
2-2 Manectric PL
1-1 Entei/Raikou Legend UL
2 Uxie LA
2 Crobat G PL
1 Azelf LA

T/S/St: 28

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
3 TGI Poke Turn
2 Bench Shield
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Palmer's Contribution

Energy: 11

8 Psychic Energy
2 Electric Energy
1 Fire Energy

Strategy: Get Crobat out and start early poison if possible. ERL for late game sweep on things with Manectric to protect my own Bench. Luxray to bring things up to poison. Crobat G for more sniping along with Crobat Prime's sniping attack. Fire Energy to take down huge tanking threats like Dialga G Lv.X and Steelix Prime.

dmaster out.
In kingdra I found 4 cyrus to be WAY too much. Id say 2, because if instead of the other two you added like 2 more PONT's youd draw into energy easier. You could also probably drop an SP radar for another BTS. one is fine since you rarely ever need it that much, especially with less cyrus. Although the whole sniping aspect of luxray is nice, you don't need that much of an SP engine.
3 BTS is a little much for only a 3-2-3 Crobat line and a 1-1 Manectric one. I guess I can test it out, but I'd rather play 4-2-4 to warrant more BTS. I only filled so much room for the SP Engine because I didn't know where else to put it lol.

dmaster out.
or what about another candy instead of the BTS? Seems more consistent to have more candy.

I've taken out the Luxray. It's ironically harder to get out so yeah. Also, I REALLY needed BTS in a few matches when I had the whole line ready in my hand. ._. Also, ran into an Energy Drought, so I put in more.

dmaster out.
I love crobat prime but I've found his big weakness to be sp decks. Garchomp c and poketurns ruin all the poison damage. Dragonite fb takes care of the garchomps and can sweep the other sp's. If you can find room for him he will help a lot.
I really like the erl in this deck its the perfect tech for steelix prime, which is the other problem I've been worrying about since he can't be poisoned
SP decks are the hardest matchup (doesn't take long to combine bad Weakness, Poke Turn, Healing Breath, and Warp Energy to spell bad news). This is mainly what ERL can do to even the playing field. Crobat Prime can also snipe for a few Prizes and then ERL can hopefully take the rest. Dragonite is an option, but with no DCE, Warp, or Gain in the deck, it's not that great of a tech IMO.

dmaster out.
Very true I run the nrg gains for the crobat g's so it works for me. I was considering throwing in blaziken fb's to counter steelix but erl looks a lot better.
Have you had a hard time getting erl out? Especiall only running 1 on them? Everyone I've seen run legend cards havnt had the best luck.
And I noticed your not playing legend box
Legend Box is severely inconsistent considering I'm not playing Dialga PL (to put it on top of the deck). Legends are hard to get out but Communications help, especially late game.

dmaster out.
A single Jirachi UL is pretty good in this deck, Makes a HUGE difference in games against Jumpluff and Kingdra, since they use so much candies and the basic form has low HP, a single poison and a bat drop will kill the horsea if they retreat. And yeah that makes 2 surprise unpredictable KO's in your deck, pretty cool. Also Poke drawers + could help you. Even Pokemon Reversals or Zangoose PL would be good in here too
Good ideas! I like the Jirachi UL a lot. Poke Drawer+ I'm a little sketchy of and I had Luxray in here before, so I don't think Reversals are that great. If you could suggest what I could take out, I would be grateful.

dmaster out.