• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
Updated list:


Zubat (PS 53) x 4
Crobat (PS 55) x 4
Trubbish (DR 53) x 3
Garbodor (DR 54) x 2
Mewtwo EX (BWP 45) x 2
Tornadus EX (DE 90) x 1


N (DE 96) x 4
Skyla (BC 134) x 4
Juniper (BW 101) x 2
Colress (PS 118) x 2
Switch (BW 104) x 2
Rare Candy (DE 100) x 4
Virbank City Gym (PS 126) x 2
Hypnotoxic Laser (PS 123) x 1
Float Stone (PF 99) x 2
Silver Bangle (MC 68) x 2
Silver Mirror (MC 69) x 1
Team Plasma Ball (PF 105) x 2
Heavy Ball (ND 88) x 1
Ultra Ball (DE 102) x 2
Computer Search (BC 137) x 1


Psychic energy x 8
Double colorless energy x 4

Silver Bangle (MC 68) card text:

Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
As long as the Pokémon this card is attached to is not a Pokémon-EX, that Pokémon's attacks do 30 more damage to the Active Pokémon-EX.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).

Silver Mirror (MC 69) card text:

Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
As long as the Pokémon this card is attached to is not a Pokémon-EX, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokémon by your opponent's Team Plasma Pokémon.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).


This deck revolves mainly around Crobat's Ultra-Toxic Fang, which when coupled with Virbank deals an impressive 60 damage in-between turns. Garbodor is added to tech against Pokemon whose abilities give free retreat and bench mobility, e.g. Darkrai EX, Keldeo EX, Glaceon PF, etc.

Mewtwo EX on the other hand is added for its flexibility and efficiency in any deck; while Giratina is added as a great non-EX attacker (Hex deals 100 damage to pokemon affected by special conditions for 3 energy). At the moment i can't really think of any extremely unfavorable matchups, so any advice pertaining to worst-case scenarios for this deck would be greatly appreciated. Also feel free to put forth any minor changes to the listings. Thanks a lot!

Please post only one decklist per thread, and edit the OP. Thanks! :D ~Kecleon
Bruno Benetti said:
Garbodor will affect Crobat, isn't he?
It will but it is not that bad to not draw an extra card.

Did you know that Evolite does not help Garbador because it is not a basic? And maybe try to find room for a Tornadus EX http://pokebeach.com/scans/dark-explorers/90-tornadus-ex.jpg
Thanks so much for pointing out the fact about eviolite (completely forgotten about it); I'm not too sure about Tornadus EX though, could you elaborate more on the rationale on putting it in?

Updated list:
-3 Eviolite
+1 Float Stone
+1 Silver Bangle (Plasma Blast)
+1 Silver Mirror (Plasma Blast)

Seeing that the Plasma Blast expansion will be coming out in the not too distant future I thought about including these in the deck. Any thoughts about their potential as techs?
Bruno Benetti said:
Garbodor will affect Crobat, isn't he?

Yes, but the point is to keep your opponent from Rushing In to get rid of poison.

Needs more Supporters:

-2 Giratina
-2 Switch; 2/2 Float Stone Switch is typical for Garbodor varriants.
-1 Eviolite; You still have one Eviolite it looks like, and they don't do anything for your Pokemon.
-1 Heavy Ball
-1 Hypnotoxic Laser; Lasers are kind of redundant with Crobat's attack, but I could see one being clutch for the possibility of sleep stall and annoying your opponent early game.
-1 Virbank; You should be fine with two. Most decks already run Virbank anyway.
+3 Juniper
+2 Colress
+1 Crobat; It is your main attacker; run a 4-0-4 line.
+1 Zubat
+1 Rare Candy
Mora said:
Bruno Benetti said:
Garbodor will affect Crobat, isn't he?

Yes, but the point is to keep your opponent from Rushing In to get rid of poison.

Well,you know its going to be Keldeo-EX+Float Stone.
Catcher?Tool Scrapper? Anyone?

Catcher Keldeo and use tool scrapper with HTL,attack with Virbank. If they cant Switch out,it should be KO by the end of your next turn...Should....Or just use Garbodor kkkkk
If you are suggesting cards that are not yet released in English or using cards that are not released in English, please provide a translation.
chubbyhubby said:
Thanks so much for pointing out the fact about eviolite (completely forgotten about it); I'm not too sure about Tornadus EX though, could you elaborate more on the rationale on putting it in?

Tornadus EX is great because you can do 1st turn 90 Damadge (Tornadus EX in Active Spot Double colorless, on Tornadus EX Virbank City Gym, Hypnotoxic Laser, and then Blow through for 60+30 with poison) It happens quite frequently and even a second turn 90 Damadge is still great.
Summary: Early pressure in the beginning and a good "send him out attack" (one of the worst things about him is that he is weak to Electric (Thundurus EX).
Gusto83 said:
Mora said:
Yes, but the point is to keep your opponent from Rushing In to get rid of poison.

Well,you know its going to be Keldeo-EX+Float Stone.
Catcher?Tool Scrapper? Anyone?

Catcher Keldeo and use tool scrapper with HTL,attack with Virbank. If they cant Switch out,it should be KO by the end of your next turn...Should....Or just use Garbodor kkkkk

They can't Rush In because of Garbodor, keeping their Active poisoned until they play a Switch. If you're suggesting they can KO Garbodor or play Tool Scrapper, they've always been able to do that, and yet Garbodor is still a successful deck. You have multiple Garbodor, and multiple tools. It's been enough for standard Garbodors to do well, Crobat/Garbodor should be fine, albeit much slower and clunkier.
List updated.

The reason I'm thinking of adding Silver Bangle is to boost up Crobat's attack (40+30+60x2 = 190), making it possible to KO most EX-pokemon by the end of the turn. Silver Mirror is added as a possible tech against other Plasma pokemon.

On another note, I'm not really a fan of discarding, and seeing that this deck has no ability to reclaim from the discard pile I guess I'll just go with 2 Juniper instead.
Mora said:
Gusto83 said:
Well,you know its going to be Keldeo-EX+Float Stone.
Catcher?Tool Scrapper? Anyone?

Catcher Keldeo and use tool scrapper with HTL,attack with Virbank. If they cant Switch out,it should be KO by the end of your next turn...Should....Or just use Garbodor kkkkk

They can't Rush In because of Garbodor, keeping their Active poisoned until they play a Switch. If you're suggesting they can KO Garbodor or play Tool Scrapper, they've always been able to do that, and yet Garbodor is still a successful deck. You have multiple Garbodor, and multiple tools. It's been enough for standard Garbodors to do well, Crobat/Garbodor should be fine, albeit much slower and clunkier.

I'm not disagreeing with you at all. Its just good to have a back up if you cant use Garbodor at that point in time during the game.